Wow! I'm just sitting here with tears in my eyes! How sweet you all are!
I sure didn't expect this, thank you SO much!
I'm 43!

I'm on mare stare during the night and I "try" to sleep during the day (but the mares love to nap out in the sun) so I'm up having my morning coffee.
I will spend my day watching the mares
: petting the horses and foals, and change out waters. How lucky am I to spend each day with my horses? *happy sigh*
I have not had cake in years! I'm going to make a lemon cake
But wait! In between the layers will be a whole can of lemon pie filling! AND I'm going to make the frosting!
Tonight when Karrel gets home from work (about 1 AM) I will make us some shrimp and potatoes and a nice green salad! That is a treat we only have a few times a year. Yummy!
I'm hoping Goldie will foal today! That would be a great gift!
Thank you for this thread! And for the many e-cards! I feel like the richest woman in the world to have so many friends!