All was quiet last night, and again tonight. If we had boogeymen hanging around I didn't see or hear anything of them, and they didn't leave me any more boxes or anything else.
Kim, if anywhere were to try riding Echo, the Morgan mare, off they'd have a bit of a surprise I think. I used to ride Echo but haven't been on her in a few years. Echo doesn't like change, and has never been ridden by anyone but me and I don't think she'd take kindly to it--she'd decide she was scared of the stranger on her back. As well I think she would resist leaving the barnyard--I suspect if someone tried to take her for a joy ride they'd find themselves carted back to the barn PDQ! Or rather they might be on the ground PDQ and Echo would be back at the barn on her own.
So, I hope that's not what anyone had in mind, for their sake.
My cell phone, spotlight and 3 tined pitchfork, which is nice & sharp, still accompany me everywhere.
Susanne--you may have a good point about a cell phone/gun combo--I didn't think about how dangerous it could be.
I kept hitting the browser button instead of one of the menu keys, so had the web browser disabled so I wouldn't get charged internet would be a bad thing, wouldn't it, to hit the trigger key instead of, say, the phone book key. I suppose it's just as well that my cell phone provider has never offered me the gun option on any of my upgrades!
SampleMM--I thought of the spy cam idea too (good imagination here too) but I don't know why anyone would want to bother spying on me...I even thought the box might be an evil token (like the little voodoo coffin on CSI Miami that one time) but really a big wooden box is kind of a cumbersome evil token so likely that's not it.
Still puzzled, and still would like to know who & why.