Bear with me here. I'm in the process of learning about feeding young horses. Namely weanlings-three year olds. (Which is predominantly 57% of my herd.)
My older horses are doing okay with their feed. Fat and happy, and one of my yearlings is doing GREAT on his feed atm. My younger ones aren't doing so hot.
I've talked with kaykay about this stuff and I think we're both in agreement that my hay is NOT up to par whatsoever. I honestly can't do anything about that. We feed large bales which of course takes what little nutrients the bale has. At the end of this month however I'll be able to move my younger horses in a separate lot which means I'll be able to feed the newer bales at systematic times. So that way they won't be getting fat off of hay only.
I know what's wrong with my hay. Part of the reason is that its first cutting hay. I can't do anything about that though. We cut our own hay and it doesn't look like there will be another cutting of hay. I'm stuck with this hay.
My horses are all eating the new Miniature Horse & Pony feed. I can't switch to another feed. Parent issues. That and the fact that I've switched feed 3 times just this year. I can't risk anything at this moment. (colic, stress, ulcers, etc.)
I need something that can help me provide nutrients to my horses' diets alongside my grain when hay and grain cannot be changed. I know that switching both would help tremendously, but I just can't do anything about them. The only thing I can do is work around it which is what I'm trying to do the best I can.
Would something like beet pulp or alfalfa pellets work?
Or even BOSS?
Would it be safe to actually REPLACE hay with beet pulp in young horses in fall/winter/spring?
I'm really hoping that if I do this now, or even VERY soon before the winter furs come in that I can get a head start in gaining weight (and loosing bloated bellies) and help prepare my 2011 filly from following in the footsteps of her half-siblings. I am hoping that when I do my first clip jobs of the year in May that I'll be able to uncover some nice trim yearlings/two year olds. Or, maybe just brush it all off! Never been able to do so with young horses, but I've always fed OATS to my young horse. Ouch.
I would also like to say that I'll be getting my horses checked for ulcers and their teeth as well very soon.
Thanks so much for you know....dealing with me since last November and helping me. I really appreciate it. I'm hoping that next year I'll be able to show you guys the FULL results of what we've resolved from my mares, my geldings, to my young ones.
My older horses are doing okay with their feed. Fat and happy, and one of my yearlings is doing GREAT on his feed atm. My younger ones aren't doing so hot.
I've talked with kaykay about this stuff and I think we're both in agreement that my hay is NOT up to par whatsoever. I honestly can't do anything about that. We feed large bales which of course takes what little nutrients the bale has. At the end of this month however I'll be able to move my younger horses in a separate lot which means I'll be able to feed the newer bales at systematic times. So that way they won't be getting fat off of hay only.
I know what's wrong with my hay. Part of the reason is that its first cutting hay. I can't do anything about that though. We cut our own hay and it doesn't look like there will be another cutting of hay. I'm stuck with this hay.
My horses are all eating the new Miniature Horse & Pony feed. I can't switch to another feed. Parent issues. That and the fact that I've switched feed 3 times just this year. I can't risk anything at this moment. (colic, stress, ulcers, etc.)
I need something that can help me provide nutrients to my horses' diets alongside my grain when hay and grain cannot be changed. I know that switching both would help tremendously, but I just can't do anything about them. The only thing I can do is work around it which is what I'm trying to do the best I can.
Would something like beet pulp or alfalfa pellets work?
Or even BOSS?
Would it be safe to actually REPLACE hay with beet pulp in young horses in fall/winter/spring?
I'm really hoping that if I do this now, or even VERY soon before the winter furs come in that I can get a head start in gaining weight (and loosing bloated bellies) and help prepare my 2011 filly from following in the footsteps of her half-siblings. I am hoping that when I do my first clip jobs of the year in May that I'll be able to uncover some nice trim yearlings/two year olds. Or, maybe just brush it all off! Never been able to do so with young horses, but I've always fed OATS to my young horse. Ouch.

I would also like to say that I'll be getting my horses checked for ulcers and their teeth as well very soon.

Thanks so much for you know....dealing with me since last November and helping me. I really appreciate it. I'm hoping that next year I'll be able to show you guys the FULL results of what we've resolved from my mares, my geldings, to my young ones.