Advice please: How many days before a show would you clip a palomino

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cindy ann

New Member
May 2, 2010
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Have a palomino pinto colt with a show coming up on June 4th - when would you suggest that I body clip him? And please tell me what size blade you would use. Thanking you for any advise you can give me.
No expert here but here's what I've seen with my own horses. A lighter horse like a palomino will look a bit "dull" in color right after a clipping. I would clip 2-3 weeks out to allow the coat some time to regrow and regain some of that color. Any adjustments can be made later if necessary.
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I used to show a pally and yes it took a good couple of weeks to see any colour again and longer to go really golden

I used a number ten blade
I think 2-3 weeks is too far from the show. First make sure the horse has had 2 full body clips before the show clip. This makes a big difference as that first clip often results in pig hair coming in. The more you clip the prettier and faster the color comes back in.

Then I would clip with a 10 about 5 or 6 days before the show.
I have always been happy with color that comes in after 5 days with #10 blade. Any longer starts to look too uneven for my liking.

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