The Alien is back with full vengence and aggression. It has found avenues to survive and go around the plates. My heart is severely stressed. I have blacked out a few times recently. The chemo pills have not worked. All that stomach sickness, hair loss for nothing. The Drs are back at consulting with each other. Dr. said there may be nothing more they can do. Dr. said they can not control it. It has attached to the Illiac artery in my left leg. If they try to block it off, the blood flow can not return from my leg and I will lose my left leg, so thats out. I am on a new semi experimental drug Tramadol for long term pain management. It also somehow works as an antidepressant. but they are highly addictive. We will keep trudging forward and praying for one of these surgeries to work. I am going to file for disability
...That is the one thing that I did NOT want to do. To me that is giving up hope. It may be awhile before i get back to the forum. I don't know how Linda did it, God rest her soul... We just wanted to say Thank You to everyone who never gives up hope on us..Art and Theresa