Well as some of you know after I had a viral infection in November in December my body decided it was a fab idea to get bacterial bronchitis. Cheers very much! haha. Anyway...it took a very long time to get over that...actually I was still hacking away in the early days of January. It stopped though thankfully. But now...I'm coughing a lot although it's rarely a productive cough so I don't think I have my bronchitis back...or maybe it never left I don't know. Anyway, this cough didn't develop till I was out in the barn. Now everytime I'm in the barn (any barn) my chest hurts and I cough a lot... Now I am allergic to hay mildly and I've always had to wash my hands right away after touching it otherwise I get a big rash. However that too has gotten worse and so now I really have to be quick to wash my hands and not touch any other part of me with my "hay hands" until they're washed.
The cough feels like in my chest, yet it's not productive so I don't know what's going on there. Last night it was so bad after coming in from the barn I didn't get to sleep until 2am then I woke up quite a lot after that with huge breathing fits. To be honest I felt like if I was to fall asleep I wouldn't wake up because I was having enough problems while I was awake.
I'm also allergic to dust but it's never given me any of the above reactions unless they're a lot of it then I can't really breathe all that well. I don't know if it's a coincedence but I cough a lot when around the horses or in the feed room.
I was supposed to get an allergy test ages ago but never got around to it...do you think it'd be worth getting some "barn" type tests done on my allergy test? Like hay, horses, dust, shavings maybe? Oh I don't know... Any ideas?
Also anyone that has horses and also has allergies to them or their feed how do you cope? If it is allergies and it carries on like this I don't know what I'll have to do.
The cough feels like in my chest, yet it's not productive so I don't know what's going on there. Last night it was so bad after coming in from the barn I didn't get to sleep until 2am then I woke up quite a lot after that with huge breathing fits. To be honest I felt like if I was to fall asleep I wouldn't wake up because I was having enough problems while I was awake.
I'm also allergic to dust but it's never given me any of the above reactions unless they're a lot of it then I can't really breathe all that well. I don't know if it's a coincedence but I cough a lot when around the horses or in the feed room.
I was supposed to get an allergy test ages ago but never got around to it...do you think it'd be worth getting some "barn" type tests done on my allergy test? Like hay, horses, dust, shavings maybe? Oh I don't know... Any ideas?
Also anyone that has horses and also has allergies to them or their feed how do you cope? If it is allergies and it carries on like this I don't know what I'll have to do.