Amateur Card

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Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2005
Reaction score
I am applying for my AMHA amatuer card but I am not sure what Level 1 and Level 2 means.

What is this? What level do I put?
Hee hee hee... if you have to ask you are probably Level I not 2...

I don't show AMHA but I think the levels have to do with how long you show and how good you are at it. Level One is for newbies... and with some time you advance to Level 2. I think some AMHA people will reply with specifics for you, although I am sure if you look through the AMHA rulebook it should be explained there.

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I believe the new rule is that you can earn up to 50 points AND show as a Level 1 for two years, whichever comes last. So, if you haven't reached your 50 points within two years, you can continue to show as a level 1 until you get the points.

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