AMHA great on paperwork HAH!

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Well-Known Member
May 30, 2005
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Stratham, New Hampshire
I sent in paperwork over a month ago. I came home today to get that I can't register my colt under Blessings which my filly is registered under and is my farm name and that I need certification on the height on the other two horses. At least AMHR has ALWAYS called me to tell me of any problems and with the cost of registering with AMHA this really frosts me! AMHR is not perfect but I am totally disgusted with AMHA. Linda B
Why can you not use Blessings???

And, for the record, I am still waiting 18 months later, for papers from a British society!!
Rabbit they said the prefix Blessings is reserved and may not be used. I have registered two horses with that prefix and there was no problem before. Evidently someone else registered the prefix Blessings after I named my horses. I have it reserved with AMHR. What truly frosts me is they could have called about the papers on the other two horses instead of waiting over a month and telling me they are wrong. This is not the first time either. I sent in papers on a mare to update to permanent so I could show her and FOUR MONTHS later [after calling] I finally got them. Linda B
I know i'm pretty upset that I have sent a few e-mails asking if my farm name was reserved or not - AMHR replied right away that it was available and what actions to take to reserve it...wheras AMHA has not once e-mailed or called me. I want to know BEFORE I send out paperwork and a waste of a good check if my farm name is available, or not!
Well - on the other side of the coin - we have only had issues with AMHR about similar matters... so it is not confined to just one registry - but is more of a case by case thing...

And the prefix/suffix issue with AMHR and double registering the horses here was a total PITA for some of them... with encouragement from the person on the phone at AMHR to simply register a mare under this farm's prefix (when she is not of our breeding and her breeder deserves the credit) as "it is done all the time and it does not matter and no one really cares... "

Mmmmmkay. Well, that is not really ethical - by any stretch of the imagination... she ended up being registered with no prefix/suffix at all.
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Well - on the other side of the coin - we have only had issues with AMHR about similar matters... so it is not confined to just one registry - but is more of a case by case thing...
Same here. And I've NEVER had AMHR call me, they always send a letter, just like AMHA does. It must depend on who does your paperwork at R, as to whether or not they call.
amhr always calls me if its just something simple that can be fixed over the phone or fax.

tagalong i dont think its ethical either to change a horses name but everyone i know does it when they hardship an amha horse into amhr. theory being if the breeder cared then they should have done the hardship to amhr. it still doesnt seem right to me but it is what most do.

Im really hoping amha has gotten better. i just rejoined and am going to try once again to send papers in and see what happens. last time it took 7 months to get them back. i think ronnie said the turn around time is now 18 days?
Well sometimes the prefix is taken in AMHR and they wont allow you to use it with an A horse.. and it can be taken by a different farm then in AMHA

I have had in fairness paperwork issues with both but hey everyone in the office is only human and mistakes happen

for me it wasnt the mistakes that were so much the issue as it was the time frame
Well Kay I'll tell you it was past the 18 day turn around time. I sent my papers in back in November. I have both AMHA and AMHR call me in the past but I'll tell you I have had MUCH less trouble with AMHR. The issue with the papers on my mare happened a few years ago but the upshot was I wanted to show her and had to update to permanent. I did a rush order but just in case I had them call the show manager which they did do which was fine. However I waited FOUR months for her papers that were paid for to be rushed. Their excuse was they had a lot of foals to register that year. Linda B
Amhr will not let you use the prefix that is on the AMHA paper if the prefix is also registered with them. I had to get written permission from the breeder to use the AMHA name in AMHR. Seemed kinda silly but thats what they wanted.

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