AMHA Headquarters ???

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Well-Known Member
Aug 19, 2003
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Winters, California
Does anyone know what is going on at AMHA HQ?

I've received a couple of emails about the Board, President and some of the staff having issues. I've been waiting the past week or so for someone to post on here about it, but no one has.

Anyone want to shed some light on this and how concerned the membership should be?
Issues?? Like what??? Egads- I hope it is something easily worked out.
Well, Michelle, from the sounds of Wanda's resignation email, I think the membership should be concerned, at the least. But I don't know anything more than you do, and probably less, since everything I do know you forwarded to me! Nice of AMHA itself to keep people apprised of the situation. Almost makes me want to go R only. This is ridiculous. Things like this happen in high school, not with grown people!
I had also heard some of this and have been concerned, waiting to hear the truth instead of rumors feeding off of other rumors.

Liz M.
Well, I am clueless (what a familiar feeling)... I haven't heard any rumors and have no idea what types of things we should be concerned about or made aware of.

Can anyone clue me in?
How many times are we going to have "issues" to work out??

This is going from the sublime to the ridiculous.

We started out showing AMHA-- now I am barely interested in them or their issues.
Here is part of the email I got originally (forwarded by a friend, said it was from a Richard Sievert?):

Hi all,

Perhaps you've heard that the pres and vp have gone to the office and delivered an ultimatum that the 3 older gals must quit or the 3 younger managers must quit otherwise they (Felix and Mark will step down.

It is to be put to a vote of the board pronto

And now I've heard that Wanda Jean Litten has quit.

Doesn't ANYONE know what's going on?

I guess it's time for an email to our director.

Liz M.
Here is the letter I just got:

"To The AMHA Board of Directors:

It is with deepest concern and very mixed feelings that I submit this notice of resignation.

The accumulation of personal insults, degrading comments, distruction of integrity, discrediting me to my department employees by the current President (and Vice-President) and stating he does not intend to work with me if I remain an employee has brought about a thorough disgust with the management of AMHA. It has caused tremendous tension within the office as well as personally to the employees who were informed they were not wanted nor needed. And told by the President that if myself and two others were not fired by the Board of Directors that he and the Vice-President would resign not only from their office, but as directors

Yes, I do have a copy of the President's email to the Board asking you to vote for Option 1 or Option 2. I also read in this email that Alison and Shannon have contracts worth $170,000 if they had to be bought out. Please tell me why two employees that have worked for AMHA less than twenty-two months would have such hefty contracts and employees working as Department Directors for AMHA four, six and fourteen years have no contracts? As I see it, the same thing is happening again that Duane McPherson did when he hired employees and paid them more than their education and experience dictated. Is anything ever learned from past mistakes?

I am tired of being harrassed every week by the President asking me when I intend to "retire". I have not had any intention of "retiring". Eventually resigning maybe but not "retiring". This is age descrimination and could result in very serious consequences.

I have so very much enjoyed my job with AMHA even when the working environment was far from pleasant. Through all the bad times I still wanted to do my job well and to the best of my ability through whatever situation was happening at any particular time. But the time has come when the harrassment and disrespectful humiliation has taken it's toll.

I have never been a quiter and have always stood up for what is right. That is what I am doing now, standing up for what is right, my right to make a decision for the best interest of me. Under the circumstances I have been stressed to the limit and there is a much better life awaiting me. Life is too short to continue on for another fourteen years to be a "battered employee" of AMHA.

It is not my desire to leave the Registration Department without adaquate supervision so instead of the four weeks notice required I will give through July 31st. This will give plenty of time to hire someone and time for me to properly train that person.

I do expect to be paid for my unused vacation time and my unused sick leave. I have used very little of my sick leave which has accumulated each year into the next. Some people were paid by Duane for sick leave they did not even have. Since Duane set a precedence by paying people for comp time they did not even have coming to them, I expect the monetary compensation promised me for the approximate fifteen months comp time I have given to AMHA. There is also a matter of expenses covered by me personally for photography that was never paid to me by Laura. I am not comfortable with depending on the current President and the current Controller to execute these payments because of some recent conversations. So I am requesting you, the Board members to step in for me and take charge of this.

Never in fourteen years has there been a problem anywhere close to the magnitude of what is going on now as a result of departmental interference by another department supervisor. All documentation regarding this has been presented to the President and not one item has ever been addressed with either myself, Kristy or Betty.

There are very serious morale problems in the office that have never been before. All has been reported by numerous documentation by myself as well as by others to the President, again I reiterate, nothing, I mean nothing has been addressed. There are things being done that could result in some serious consequences. It seems the present procedure is to just do it, if you can think it, do it. By no means should a senior employee be consulted.

During my tenure with AMHA I have had the pleasure of learning from officers and directors that had a genuine love for the AMHA and the will and determination to make sure all employees were taken care of in a manner equal to the person's ability and experience. Respect was given to every person in the office by the officers and directors and the employees gratefully returned that respect. It was during this time that I personally developed a strong dedication to this association and a determination to give everything I could to make it successful.

I have worked with four executive directors and four office managers (not including myself) and nine different presidents. I am not aware of any complaints ever lodged against me. Other than Duane McPhertson, I have never felt any disrespect by any of these people, until now. Even with the evil things Duane did, he never questioned or degraded me or my authority as Department Director in the presence of any person in my department.

Other than the position of Registration Director from the beginning of my tenure with AMHA I have also served as the LOC Coordinator, Temporary Office Manager, Laison to the Rules & Regulations, Bylaws and Genetics Committees, Official AMHA Photographer and was elected by the Board of Directors as the Registrar. I also wrote the "How To Register A Horse" booklet as well as composing the Registration Procedure Manuel. As Registrar I have been responsible for all legal problems pertaining to registration as well as the mediator in member disputes, advising them of procedures regarding the problem. Under normal circumstances these duties would be the responsibility of the Executive Director.

I have attended and manned the registration table at every National Membership meeting since I became employed with AMHA. I attended and worked in some capacity most of the National Shows. I was always willing to fill any position if it was stuffing envelopes in order to make AMHA a successful association.

None of this means anything to the current two executive officers nor some of the newer employees. The past does not matter. Their motto is the past must be done away with in order to go forward.

My point is, it is so heartbreaking that all of the dedication of so many people has come down to the current President and Vice-President, in just a few short weeks, creating a buckling association with all supports being kicked from beneath it. Until recently it would have been my preference to hang on until it was once again revived but when you are told you are not wanted and not needed so much that the President and Vice-President refuse to work with you, that they had rather resign than do so, then for the sake of the association I feel it is best I resign (NOT RETIRE!).

So at this time I respectfully submit my resignation.

Wanda-Jean Litten

Registrar/Registration Director

American Miniature Horse Association

May 15, 2006


The things that are going on in the office are personal issues ! And it is not a young person vs. a Old person . It is about there being to many chiefs and NO INDIANS !! Any well run office has a OFFICE Manager to over see the Daily duties and general running of the office. And this is what we need . I would not reprint any of the emails that are going around as there are MANY SIDES to this story..

The best thing to do is CALL YOUR Director !! ALL THE DIRECTORS ARE VERY AWARE OF WHAT IS HAPPENING.. So ask them ! Get it right from the horses mouth so to speak..
Sorry, I just think it's interesting how so much gets out before we are informed of ANYTHING.

It would not be necessary to share this information if there was a good method of informing the membership of what's going on. Seems like this will directly affect us.

Not trying to play sides, just trying to find out what's happening and why, and what the effects will be.

did anyone ask ml if it was okay to publish that email??

Im really sad as when i call the only one that is always helpful to me has been wanda. and im sad to see this registry go thru yet another scandal.
Even reading the email and letter, I don't think I really grasp the total details of what is going on but over the years, I have wondered if we don't need to have the registry run like a business by people who know how to run a business. And, Belinda is right on about having an office manager and her staff to deal with the administrative details, and then you need a business person / ideas woman (or man... haha) to have the vision. My business totally different than a registry, but still, I have my administrative staff and then Dad and I are the ones growing the business (ideas, sales, etc.). It needs to be handled like a business, not a club. Probably, the entire works would be improved if there were a bunch of non-horse (or non-mini) people taking over for some time. I think that would get it on a business track and let the egos we all get about our minis and our mini ideas out of it for now.
[SIZE=14pt]We are all getting these emails, Kay Kay and Belinda, so it is not just personal anymore. We just want to know what is going on with OUR registry. When the person who handles our registrations quits suddenly, we probably need to know what is happening. We went through this stuff with the secrets and hiding things from us recently and we all bucked up and did many things to save this registry. We like to support them, but this stuff makes it hard.[/SIZE] Just my opinion.
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:no: I haven't had a lot of contact with AMHA but what I did was always with Wanda. She interceded for me on at least two occasions to get a real mess straightened out and I am very appreciative. This is just such a sad state of affairs. I hope this is not a glimpse of something more than a personality conflict and we end up with another mess like last time. If so, I will gladly forfeit my membership and stick with R from now on.
:new_shocked: :new_shocked: :new_shocked: :new_shocked: :new_shocked:


:no: :no: :no: :no: :no:
The things that are going on in the office are personal issues ! And it is not a young person vs. a Old person . It is about there being to many chiefs and NO INDIANS !! Any well run office has a OFFICE Manager to over see the Daily duties and general running of the office. And this is what we need . I would not reprint any of the emails that are going around as there are MANY SIDES to this story..

The best thing to do is CALL YOUR Director !! ALL THE DIRECTORS ARE VERY AWARE OF WHAT IS HAPPENING.. So ask them ! Get it right from the horses mouth so to speak..
Very well said Belinda. I agree that if members are concerned that they should talk to their Regional Directors. I know I have.

Sorry, I just think it's interesting how so much gets out before we are informed of ANYTHING.

It would not be necessary to share this information if there was a good method of informing the membership of what's going on. Seems like this will directly affect us.

Not trying to play sides, just trying to find out what's happening and why, and what the effects will be.

I thought that our past President did a good job of keeping us informed and thought that our new President was off to a very good good start.
im all for it being published as long as wanda knows and mary lou says its ok
just dont want lb to get into trouble. And i agree as members all of us should be told what is going on.

im a member and i have never received any emails LOL.
[SIZE=12pt]Yes I agree, we do not want ML to get into trouble or to start a fight in anyway. We just feel that something needs to come out, instead of whispering behind peoples hands. Sad, and scary at the same time.[/SIZE]

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