Hi Jody (and all Directors reading),
I am a lifetime member, and have allowed my subscription to MHW to lapse (have got to get around to renewing it!), so I rely on the website for my AMHA news. I would appreciate it if someone could help me to understand why this new measuring rule change was allowed to be passed, and where on the website this new proposal was announced to members, as I cannot find it.
In an attempt to catch up on AMHA developments I may have missed, I did actually peruse the website in great detail prior to the 2008 Annual Meeting, as my region, for the first time in many, many years, now has a Director. And I did contact him prior to the Annual Meeting asking him to bring forth my concerns. Certainly, had I known that this new rule proposal was te be voted on at the 2008 Annual Meeting, I would have given him my input on that as well.
Prior to the meeting I found only the following places on the website that were relevant:
1. AMHA NEWS page where there are links to the following 'AMHA Mini News' newsletters, none of which say anything relating to proposed measuring changes. (I do also get these by email):
May 1, 2007
April 3, 2007
March 14, 2007
February 7, 2007
January 2, 2007
December 21, 2007
2. THE ASSOCIATION page where there is a (hard to find) link at the top for the following 2007 Board Meeting Minutes in addition to the archived 2006 minutes:
February - Annual Meeting
March - Board Teleconference Meeting
June - Board of Director's Meeting
October - Board Teleconference Meeting
NEW! December - Board Teleconference Meeting
I read ALL of these minutes prior to the 2008 Annual Meeting. The minutes of the June (2007) BOD meeting DO indicate that the Show Rules Committee discussed many proposed rule changes, including both the top of the wither and the base of the withers proposed changes. The following is a quote from the minutes:
"The Board voted unanimously to pass all Show Rules below which were passed by the Show
Rules Committee. These rules will be voted on during the 2008 Annual Meeting. The Show
Rules which failed go no further than this meeting."
The June 2007 minutes go on to indicate that the Show Rules Committee FAILED both the top of withers and base of withers amendments. So WHY, then, with no further notice to AMHA members, did these go to the 2008 Annual Meeting to be voted upon by members in attendance? And WHY was the base of the withers proposal allowed to be passed, since last notice to members it was failed by the Show Rules committee? I thought that the process was that if a proposed rule was voted down by the Show Rules Committee that was the end of the road for that proposed rule? Am I wrong in this?
Thanks in advance for any input.
AMHA uses the MHW to communicate with the members, there is also a newsletter you can choose to receive as well. Go to the website and request to be added to the mailing list.
EVERYONE knows the dates of the annual meeting and COULD make a point to check the website prior to that meeting, so I don't know how much more communication could happen.
You know that saying about leading a horse to water........
There was nothing secretive, it was all available just like all the other proposals and went through the 2 year process as defined in the flow chart in the rule book.
As for teaching a horse to shrink, you can do that with horses measured at the top of the withers. Trust me, I used to have an open jumper pony on lease that had been trained to shrink down to 14.2 as she was a hair over that.