AMHA Multiple Hitch Draft ???

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Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2012
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I have a question about showing a draft multiple hitch at AMHA shows if anyone knows.

I would like to show a tandem draft hitch at an AMHA show. How would it do against a pair hitched to a hitch wagon or would it make a diference, all things equal?

Thank you so much.

And would the cart be best natural or painted?
A tandem if driven equally well will always place above a pair because of the degree of difficulty.

As for the cart, a Tandem is not a typical draft configuration so the cart is up to you.
There was a tandem draft hitch at the AMHR Nationals a few years ago. Maybe you should talk to her? She was on one of the covers of the Journal with either a pair or a 4-up draft hitch in 2012/2013 - can't remember which year... She used to be on this forum, that's how I "met" her.

Then I met her in person at the AMHR Nationals in 2012. For the life of me, can't remember her name - will look thru my info. She hasn't been active on this forum in a while. Like me, she favors the Silver Dapples - hers are solid colored. A Bond Toy For U (I think?) was the name of her mare... the one gelding was much shorter than that... Hmmm Fantastic Minis...?? Her name is Shawna, she lives in the mid-west. Think Fascination Minis.
In going thru Casey McBride photos, she was National Champion single draft hitch w/ her gelding in 2011. Wednesday, Sept 14th, Evening classes. Sept 16th, Friday, Evening classes - Tandem Cart Class - 38" & un. National Champion.

She showed in 2012 - I didn't see all the classes as that was when I got so sick. Looking to find a Tandem class or where she showed a Tandem... Ah - Sep 14th Fri, Eve, Tandem Cart Class - under 38".

She showed in 2013 as well. Pics in different classes. Don't see the Tandem class this time...

Don't know if her minis are AMHA or not.
Looks like Jan Tobey is another that showed Tandems as well as the Richardson farm hitch... Not sure who a few others were.
Al - Any ideas when your new website will be finished? I have really enjoyed reading about your driving and your various hitches/vehicles! Will the pics on the new site be able to "blow up" for better/easier viewing?

When I make it back to TX, I would love to schedule a visit. Just don't know right now when that will be - probably not in 2014, though.
Would love to have you visit.

As for the web site there are 2 problems. One, I retired last July and now I don't have time to do anything. It's as if someone said OK now lets pour it on. Never knew I could be so busy. Second, I have NO artistic ability whatsoever and not much web design ability. Those 2 things mean it may take a while. The OLD site has lots of pictures.

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