I have a question in regards to C.A.R.E. - I must've missed this at some point....I "get" what you are representing. Who are the members of this group? Who is the one that posts here on the forum for this group?
Irish Hills Farm,
C.A.R.E. (
Advocates for
Enforcement) is just a few people working together, to help ensure rules are being followed. Our small group was formed after the February 2008 Annual Meeting, after we learned of the changes made in the way measuring would take place. (ie. last hairs of the mane to base of withers). We were just some "regular" people that were very upset about it, and decided it was time to get together to try to stop it from actually coming into effect in January 2009, as it was passed at that meeting. We were successful with that.
Anyway, through our intense research of the minutes, rules and bylaws, we have discovered that in many instances throughout recent years, that the rules and bylaws that govern ALL of us in the AMHA, have time and time again, been broken. Some of the BOD and EC in past years, have seemed to feel that they didn't have to follow the same Rules and Bylaws that the rest of us regular members do, and we are here as a presence to help ensure that changes! We are putting our faith with the new AMHA President and EC and hope they will find the honesty and integrity within themselves, and on behalf of all AMHA members, to ensure that when implementing new rules, bylaws and/or changes, and when conducting all AMHA business that they do so by following the rules and bylaws of our Association. Some call us vigilantes, some call us a watchdog group, some say we are troublemakers because we are digging up skeletons, but we are a group strongly comitted to our work in trying to better AMHA and bring it back to a member friendly organization. Proof of everything we find and post about (we post on L'il Beginnings as we feel it reaches the most Miniature Horse enthusiasts in one place) is
factual information as published in AMHA minutes, AMHA records, AMHA Rules, Bylaws and Regulations, and through correspondence with the BOD and/or EC. We do not make these things up as we go along, and even Mike Want, Past President of the AMHA admitted to us, and allowed us to publicly post his letter confirming so, that rules were in fact being broken by those in power in the AMHA!
The members of CARE is no big secret. We are those people that sign all letters written by CARE, plus advisors and legal assistance. If you go back through our earlier postings, you will find the list of names.
Riverdance, in regards to your statement,
"There are perhaps many people who have joined CARE who believe in some of what they are saying, but it seems that only one person talks for everyone and not all members agree." I don't know where you get your information about C.A.R.E., but you might want to check facts before you make such a post, because your source of information is not a good one. C.A.R.E has very few members and have not taken in a single "new" member since we formed in March, 2008.
All members are in unanimous agreement on every issue before we make a statement or write a letter. I (Mona) am the spokesperson for the group, and when posting on behalf of CARE, post under the CARE login name so as not to mix my personal viewpoints with those posted on behalf of CARE. We do not make statements we cannot back up with AMHA rules or minutes from meetings. We deal only in facts.