AMHA Rule Book...

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Well-Known Member
May 14, 2006
Reaction score
Waterfal, PA
Hey all! I was looking to order a hard copy of the AMHA rule to have on hand but I couldn't find it on the customer work order form. Can I only print it off the AMHA's website or can it be ordered from them and how much would the hard copy be?

I have ordered an AMHR hard copy of the rule book but was wanting an AMHA one as well.

Thanks for any help!

Becky M.
Hey Becky,

Just call AMHA and ask them to send you one. Its that easy. They are free. I have several of both myself.

Thanks Karen! I didn't realize that they were free! I knew you could print one off from their website for free. AMHR you have to pay $9.00 for a rule book.

AMHA's rule book is free and it's in a handy little "hip pocket" size.

Thanks Karen! I didn't realize that they were free! I knew you could print one off from their website for free. AMHR you have to pay $9.00 for a rule book.
I do not believe that is correct. I simply called AMHR and asked for a brand new rule book and one was sent to me free of charge.
bingo, it might just be if you call AMHR they will send you one for free, I picked up several at Nationals for myself and others. But if a new person looks on the AMHR Work Order, its does say the Rule Book is $9. So it is correct as far as she knew it to be from what AMHR has listed. AMHA rule books have always been free, all you have to do is ask.

ASPC/AMHR Rule Book ($6.00 plus $3.00 shipping) 9.00 this is straight from the work order.

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