So what Ray is saying is you vote the whole thing in and then go back and fix them. Im sorry thats just not a good way to do it, and there is no possible way all of that could have got done in the 2 hours we had left (if we didnt take lunch) It would be really dangerous to vote them in as is and then fix them later. If the point was to fix them why would we have to immediately fix the fixed bylawsAs to the concept of voting on the different sections the proper manner to conduct this process was to adopt these revised bylaws as written and the to offer an amendment to them once adopted..the reason being is you cannot mix and match old and new.

Like dannigirl I felt these sweeping changes should have been mailed to every member of our association. This stuff is way too important and affects every member.
I feel so strongly after attending convention that we need to start using Parliamentary rule/Roberts Rules of Order. This would stop a lot of the fighting, lack of organization, lack of accurate agendas etc.
Like John said whats done is done and we all just need to move forward. I think the new board will do a great job and the future is bright. I met such awesome people, laughed until my cheeks hurt and stayed up until I couldnt keep my eyes open LOL
I would rather discuss how to get back all the members we lost and promote horses
