Nominations are now open for stallions for the 2011 AMHR Stallion Sweepstakes Auction! Check out this exciting program at http://www.amhrstallionsweepstakes.com/ - where you will find all of the rules, necessary forms, and results of previous auctions, including pictures of the previous stallions and the outstanding foals presented at the 2010 Nationals.
The first classes of foals were shown at the 2010 AMHR Nationals -- and the two different First Place foals each won $2,877 for their owners, and the owners of those 1st place stallions each took home an additional $1,151!!!!!
Want a piece of the pie?? Then you gotta nominate your stallions!
The cost to nominate your stallion is $200 - and this allows you to enter one foal in the Sweepstakes class which will be held at the 2012 AMHR Nationals. Stallion owners ARE allowed to bid on their own stallions - thus allowing them two entries if they are the winning bidder.
Stallions must be nominated by March 1 (but because I do the website and auction site prep, and I'm getting married at the end of February...what was I thinking??) I would REALLY appreciate if they were sent in earlier. Bidding will be held from March 13-19, 2011 on The Little Horse Barn auction site.
As we gain experience with the renewed Sweepstakes, we are fine-tuning it, and making a few minor changes.
- In addition to being in the Sweepstakes, stallions must also be nominated for the AMHR Futurity. Designated mares must also be nominated for the AMHR Futurity.
Any questions - do not hesitate to contact any of the committee members - contact info is on the official AMHR Stallion Sweepstakes Auction at http://www.amhrstallionsweepstakes.com/
Thanks, and hopefully I'll see YOU and your foal at center ring!!
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