Well my scanner isn't working for some reason so I took a picture of the picture so it didn't turn out very good. Me and my husband are the ones in the very back seats. The pic on the right is "take off" and the pic on the left is after it's all over...you can see my husband was very happy with the ride. The guy two seats in front of us in the take off picture is hilarious...I cut some of him off, but his hair is standing on end...hehehe.
It says on the photo cover for the Dragster:
track length 2800' (very short)
lift height 420'
angle of lift 90degree
vertical drop 400'
angle of descent 90degree
angle of twist on descent 270degree
launch speed 120mph (less than 4 seconds)
drop speed 120mph
I think I liked the Maverick even better though...it was their newest when we went in 2007:
track length 4450'
lift height 105'
vertical drop 100'
angle of descent 95degree
speed of 1st drop 57mph
speed of second launch 70mph
time 2:30 (that's why I liked it, it was much longer than the dragster)
Another good one was the Millennium Force:
track length 6595'
lift height 310'
angle of lift hill 45degree
vertical drop 300'
angle of descent 80degree
speed 93mph
time 2:20