An update on my life

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Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2005
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The Great North West
Well, it has been 8 months that I have lived with my aunt and uncle. It has been VERY difficult. My aunt does not like my husband and barely tolerates my son. She is an extremely difficult person to live with. It has been very hard to live here. Also, this house is now on the market and I am sure going to sell fast. We don't really know where we will go if it does sell, but if we have not sold our house, we may have to rent a place and board the horses.

Our house in NH was appraised out at $20K under what we were asking. The renters wanted to buy it and at the asking price we were going to throw in our backhoe. Well, now they want it at the appraised price and still get the backhoe for nothing. We are struggling with that right now. Being 3,000 miles away gives us a great disadvantage.

We sold my black Arabian mare Velvet, a few months ago and now tomorrow her daughter Cleo will be going to her new home, pending a clear vet check. We took my husband's old mare Bien, down to where she was born at his mother's house in CA. She is doing great there and giving pony rides to her other grand children.

While we were in CA to drop off Bien, my MIL gave Loren a haflinger yearling filly named Catalina. We did not need another horse, but we took her home any way. While we were in CA we also took the remains on our little dog, Tonka to be buried on my MIL's property where he was born also. We miss Tonka very much.

My aunt, who we live with, kept telling us we needed to get another dog. We were not really ready, but she went and got us one anyway. She got a male mini Australian Sheppard. It has been great having him. Loren named him Case, after the tractor. We call him Casey.

So, I am going to be riding horseless for a while, but that is OK. David and I will just share CJ and we will try and buy a cart for Rocky and Slick so that Loren and I can have some fun with his minis together.

Here is Casey!!



Here is Cleo's new owner riding her:



I will miss her

Here is Catalina:


We did well at a show last week!!
Sorry to hear you are going through a rough time right now. It is always difficult moving in with someone else, it always requires uncomfortable adjustments.

Do you have a boarding facility lined up in case you will need them?

Thank you for sharing your pictures, your son is really cute! He has such a big smile! Very pretty horses too! Your Cleo, although Arabian, looks alot like my Fox Trotter in my avatar, Casey.... which leads me to say, your puppy is cute, and I like his name! :~)

Thanks for the update. Hopefully things will get better, it has to be really stressful on everyone at this time, not knowing where you all will be moving next. I know it was really hard on us.

Take care,

Do you have a boarding facility lined up in case you will need them?

Your Cleo, although Arabian, looks alot like my Fox Trotter in my avatar, Casey.... which leads me to say, your puppy is cute, and I like his name! :~)
Thank you Karen. I don't have a place to put the horses yet. I will (if Cleo goes tomorrow) 1 horse 1 pony and 2 minis. It might not be to hard to find a rough board place for them, as long as the fencing is good.

Cleo is half Andalusian and half Arabian. I will actually be looking for a Gaited horse in the future. Maybe an MFT or TWH or Paso horse. I like Rocky Mountains too. It might be a while before I get a riding horse of my own again. I hope not though.
My experience is that a mortage lending institution does not/will not approve of a loan for more than the appraisal, so that is why your renters may be having difficulty. If you drop your price say $100 below appraisal, then the lending institutions would probably lend the money easily. Not posstive that is the case with you or anywhere else, but do check it out so that maybe you can strike up a deal.

I hate that your family is having to live under such duress, so not fair to any of you; but brighter times should be hopefully ahead and soon!

Thanks for sharring the lovely pictures. Loren, what a doll.
Always love reading your posts and seeing the pictures of you all and your horses. I am sorry you are having such a rough time right now, hope things out well for you and all your family. By the way I love your new dog and the filly, so beautiful.

Yvonne :saludando:
[SIZE=14pt]I know how you feel. We moved last fall adn now we are moving agian. This time back into my parents house. I have the three minis and we are looking for a large horse for myself and my daughter to ride. NO luck though. I love your puppy he's cute and your new Haflinger is quite pretty. We had a Haflinger cross last year, but it didn't work out for us. I hope everything works out for you.[/SIZE]

As always, I love your pictures. Loren is such a cutie!! Love the new puppy. I must have missed something here. What happened to the place with the view of Mt Hood? That was so beautiful!
We just purchased our home here in Georgia. We were going to use our VA loan but the appraisal came back about $10,000 low. The sellers were not in a position to sell at that lowered value. We were told that we could come up with cash to pay the difference or they would pay for a reappraisal with an FHA loan. The appraisal came back on the FHA at the original selling price. The realtor and loan companies had come up with that price by taking various properties in the county that had sold in the past year and adjusting them plus or minus for things that the property did not have or did have and came up with a higher value. We offered a little lower than the listed price and this is what the second appraisal came up with. It was interesting to see the properties that the appraisers pulled up. Our home has a beautiful water view and lake access. None of the other properties did and nothing was allowed for this...there just was nothing to compare them too. It did cost us a little more both at closing and over the life of the loan, as the FHA loan required mortgage insurance while that was included in the VA fee. It came down to finding a way to make both the seller and buyers give a little....our seller paid more of our closing costs in the final offer and we paid more for the loan in the long run.

The value of personal property....i.e. appliances or never added into the appraisal. If your renters...potential buyers...want to purchase the property at the reduced price then you have the right to not include the backhoe. They also have the option of finding another piece of property. If I were you I would not include the backhoe. Sell it separately. If they truly want the property they will see the value of the lower price and should understand that you will not give up both the $20,000 lowered price and the backhoe. It is all a part of negotiation. Stick to your guns if you are in the position to. Just remember that these buyers want your property and just lowering the price by $20k is a big thing in itself. You should not have included the backhoe in the beginning as the appraisal allows nothing for its value. Hope this helps...and I wish you the best in selling.
Shelly Im so sorry this isnt working very well for you. It is always hard to put two families in one house even when family loves each other. It would be nice if you could find something closer to your MIL but property values are probably even higher there. Loren still is the most handsome little guy but graowing up so fast. I agree with the other poster dont throw in the backhoe sell it out right. If they want it have them pay for it. Every real estate deal we have ever done is always up and down this way. Dont give up the next buyer is right around the corner. Hang in there something will happen. If its meant to be it will be. Hard to look at it that way when you are in the middle of it but it will all work out in the end.
As always, I love your pictures. Loren is such a cutie!! Love the new puppy. I must have missed something here. What happened to the place with the view of Mt Hood? That was so beautiful!
We never had a view of mt. hood. I don't even know where that is. I took a few riding lessons at a place that had a view of mt. Rainier (Sp?) Our house in NH had no views either.We love our puppy too. He is not registered or anything, but we think he is a good one anyway.
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