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Well-Known Member
Mar 19, 2005
Reaction score
South Central, KY
Gosh but things are moving fast. On August 28 I meet with the oncologist at 10:00 am and then at 1:00 that afternoon I have my lumpectomy. I can have valium at the think?? Sign me up, baby. The more valium the better!!! I go back on September 3 and make sure the pathology is good and they take out the balloon and put in the thing used for the radiation treatment. I'll have a CT scan and then start the radiation either that day or the 4th. But in either case, I'll be done by the 11th. I've got to call the Hope House tomorrow morning and make sure there is room at the inn (so to speak) since I'll be staying in Nashville from the 3rd thru the 11th. Hubby will come home to look after all our fur children. I've got some good books to bring with me so I'll treat it like a vacation of sorts. The treatments are twice a day, at 8:00 am and 2:00 pm. (Not like I'm gonna drive back and forth every day for that since we are two hours away).

I'm nervous about all this but am ready to get it done and move on. Besides, I've got stuff to do here. The darn grass just won't stop growing and someone's got to cut it. That person would be me. I intend to be back on that tractor in record time.
My heart is with you, and I totally know what you are talking about with the grass! I can't keep up with ours either and I have help, but on the other hand the pasture is the most green ever in "Aug", it just won't stop raining, I feel like I live in Wash. State instead of just out side of Wash. DC. Anyway the grass coutting and other farm chores will help to keep your mind busy. Keep us updated please. Pulling for you, and that is the same day I have my yearly mammo.
Today I get a package of information from my surgeon in Nashville. Wow, it explains exactly what they are going to do, with illustrations! I'm so much more relaxed today because I realize that, although I have cancer, this isn't going to be such a big deal. My long term survivability is quite good. So, on the one hand I am breathing a HUGE sigh of relief, and on the other I am boiling mad at the local surgeon. Is it that much easier for him to just slice off the whole boob and disfigure a woman than to refer her to a specialist? Whose interest does he have at heart, his or his patient? He didn't offer an option when we spoke to him so if I hadn't done my homework and known better, I'd be without a boob at this very moment. It makes me wonder how many women (maybe a little less educated, a little less pro-active) have let him do this major, radical surgery when it is totally not needed? At the end of the day...ok, maybe at the end of two weeks, I'll walk away with both breasts and a couple of very tiny scars. (I may glow a little at night, though **snicker**)

It just goes to show that we must be advocates for our own bodies.

I'm just angry that one person could make that sort of decision about someone else's body without giving all possible options.

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