And the greatest horse you have ever seen is

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Oh man....the greatest....I have to agree with CHeryl...SouthHampton's Joey was one in a kazillion. Their first show was mine as well and Joey shined through like no other. Then two years later when I brought my darling Rain to her first show there at the WCMHR event, Joey talked to her and told her the deal. They bonded in a way that was just magical and Rain seemed to listen to the ol' pro and calmed right down. It was amazing. Rain is my heart and soul but for those that stand out like no other...Joey has that title.

Cheryl, your ol boy is still bringing me to tears.

Thank you all for your posts about GREAT horses these are the things GREAT horses are made of as much as the Ribbons in the show ring. IMO
Here is what I think is the greatest horse that ever lived. His name was Smokie. He was born February 14, 2005 and died December 23, 2005. He died from severe complications with colic. He was only 10 months old but he lived a very fulfilling life. I got him when he was 2 weeks old as a surprise 14th birthday present, he was my very first mini. By the time Smokie was four months old he had visited five nursing homes and one elementary school. He touched the lives of both the young and old, including mine. He loved people, he preferred people over any horse, he absolutely loved everyone. He especially loved the kids, the kids loved him too. He touched so many lives, I could go on forever. He died with his little head resting in my arms, just the two of us, my last words to him were "I love you Smokie, I'll never forget you, I promise". To me Smokie is the greatest horse to ever live. He truly had a heart made of gold!!!! This is in loving memory of my very best friend, a little horse named Smokie. Its not about the bloodlines, its not about the conformation, its not about how big or how small, its about the heart! You don't only find great horses in a show barn, just take a look out in the pasture!!!








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