:aktion033: [SIZE=18pt]HAPPY BIRTHDAY MICHAEL!! [/SIZE] :aktion033: Your parents, brother, friends, teachers and everybody around you have been touched by having you in their lives. That is what you were on earth for and now your calling is completed. Just know you were very loved while here and will never be forgotten!
Marty, I have only talked to you on occasion, but you have also touched my soul with your story about Michael, your knowledge of horses and just your overall personality that comes through on my computer screen. Please know YOU have also touched many peoples lives, as you can tell just by the people's responses on this forum. Not just in regards to the unfortunate tragedy that happen to Michael but you had already made so many friends that are now here for you in your time of need. It is VERY apparent everybody on here loves you and cares about you and your family. I still can not imagine going through what you have and are today. Please take care of yourself today and everyday.