Hmm where did you 116?? I saw that on one site but it was a spoof of Obama. I looked and here is what I found. None of the sites I saw listed his real IQ. they were all estimates.
This is from Wiki
He has not released that information. From the information available:
* The average IQ for a college graduate with a bachelor's degree in the U.S. is 115.
Obama graduated Magna Cum Laude from Harvard Law School.
* Obama's IQ has been guesstimated as 1) lower than 140-165 and 2) between 140-165, possibly higher. The IQ value is estimated against his achievements as a graduate of Columbia University and Harvard Law School, where he served as editor, and later as president of the Harvard Law Review; which is an extremely prestigious position. Obama also taught at the University of Chicago for over 10 years, a top-ranked university in the United States.
* Obama attended an elite private school in Honolulu as a scholarship student. He had previously been in school in Indonesia, so his scholarship was almost certainly not based on marks, but on extremely high entrance exam scor
You have to read the whole thing. Yes all of it. Had Obama released his records we would know for sure. Wouldn't we? BUT seeing he is trying to hide everything it has to be figured this way. My point in posting this is someone wants a President MUCH more intelligent than the average person. We have a lot of very intelligent persons who are not President material.
<H2 class=date-header>Thursday, September 18, 2008</H2><H3 class=post-title>Barack Obama's IQ is ~116 </H3>An IQ guy <A href="">attempts to work it out:
[T]hese are the facts concerning Obama's LSAT score while attending Law School at Harvard University. We do not know his actual LSAT score; however, after much research, we found that the average LSAT score for all Harvard students is 171. The percentile rank for an LSAT score of 171 at Harvard is 98.8 %.
MENSA will accept LSAT scores as a means of qualifying for MENSA membership. (MENSA also accepts up to 200 various IQ tests and other tests of cognitive function as well.) The LSAT score required for MENSA membership is equal to a percentile of 95% or higher. Thus, basing Obama's estimated LSAT score of 171 ranks him in the top 98.8% (percent/percentile) range which is clearly above the lowest acceptable LSAT percentage rank of 95%, which clearly affirms that Obama has a qualifying intelligence quotient that would allow him acceptance into MENSA.
Since MENSA accepts various IQ Tests as well as other cognitive tests to qualify for MENSA membership it is safe to estimate that Obama's IQ Score could range anywhere from a low IQ score of 130 based on the Stanford Binet IQ Test, Revision 5, to a high IQ score of 148 based on the Cattell IQ Test.
What the IQ guy failed to account for is the fact that Harvard University practices affirmative action.
PBS Frontline reports:
"The gap in SAT scores persists even at the highest levels of achievement. A study of the 1989 applicants to five highly-selective universities found that white candidates' average combined SAT score was 186 points higher than the corresponding SAT average for African American applicants."
the New York Times reports that
"At the best schools, by contrast, efforts to diversify the student body translate into a 400-point bonus for minority students on the SAT tests."
That 98.8 ranking based on the average Harvard LSAT translates to about a 135 IQ and a combined SAT score of 1290. That's pretty good, if not spectacular. However, due to affirmative action, one must reduce that score by at least 186 points. (Also, I suspect the NYT article is talking about the new SAT, which isn't valid for the purposes of this comparison.) Thus, giving Obama the benefit of the doubt drops his score to 1104, which is approximately equivalent to an IQ of 116. That's not bad, but it is significantly less intelligent than Hillary's 140 IQ, as well as being lower than George W. Bush's 125 IQ (1206 SAT).
Before one points to the fact that Obama ranked highly in his class, it's important to keep in mind that Bill Bradley was a Princeton Rhodes Scholar despite his 485 Verbal SAT and mediocre 103 IQ. Academic success, like every other kind of success, is just as much about hard work and determination as it is about intellectual firepower, but Barack Obama's supporters obviously shouldn't be attempting to make their case for him on the basis of what is, based on the available information, probably an IQ of 116, only one standard deviation above the norm. Of course, this estimate is based on averages which don't necessarily apply to a single individual; Obama could lay the matter to rest by simply permitting his scores to be released to the public.
If his intelligence is so incredibly important,
as some of his more visibly insane supporters insist, then surely the senator should inform us precisely how intelligent he is. Because
he demonstrates his ignorance and a less-than-impressive intelligence nearly every time
he opens his mouth despite his handlers attempts to retroactively fix his statements:
"The fact that we have reached a point where the Federal Reserve felt it had to take this unprecedented step with the American Insurance Group is the final verdict on the failed economic philosophy of the last eight years."
First, AIG didn't fail because of the economic philosophy of the last eight years. The Fed began goosing the markets under Clinton. Second, that "unprecedented step" was taken