Announcing a Brand New Show…
The Texas Bluebonnet Classic…a AAA rated show for American Shetland Ponies, American Show Ponies, American Miniature Horses A & B AND Registered PINTO Miniature Horses A & B and Shetland Ponies
Show Sponsored By: Double SS Show Management…Tracey Slagle, Show Manager
When: August 5, 6, 7, 2011
Where: Diamond W Arena in Alvarado Texas
Show starts: 12 Noon on Friday, August 5th
Three Judge Show…Payback in Stakes Classes
There WILL BE a PINTO representative at the show to register those Miniatures and Shetlands that would qualify for the Pinto Horse Association if you are not already registered with them. You can show at the show in the Pinto classes under application with Pinto.
For Show Information and virtual tour of show facility:
Email Tracey Slagle at: [email protected] if you have any questions.
Let all your friends know about the show and all those that are not members of the ASPC/AMHR that are on the Pinto circuit come bring your Miniatures and Shetlands and join us.
Tracey Slagle
Show Manager
The Texas Bluebonnet Classic…a AAA rated show for American Shetland Ponies, American Show Ponies, American Miniature Horses A & B AND Registered PINTO Miniature Horses A & B and Shetland Ponies
Show Sponsored By: Double SS Show Management…Tracey Slagle, Show Manager
When: August 5, 6, 7, 2011
Where: Diamond W Arena in Alvarado Texas
Show starts: 12 Noon on Friday, August 5th
Three Judge Show…Payback in Stakes Classes
There WILL BE a PINTO representative at the show to register those Miniatures and Shetlands that would qualify for the Pinto Horse Association if you are not already registered with them. You can show at the show in the Pinto classes under application with Pinto.
For Show Information and virtual tour of show facility:
Email Tracey Slagle at: [email protected] if you have any questions.
Let all your friends know about the show and all those that are not members of the ASPC/AMHR that are on the Pinto circuit come bring your Miniatures and Shetlands and join us.
Tracey Slagle
Show Manager