Another Goji juice story

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Kay Im sorry your friends posts got deleted. I know how that feels as some of mine recently have also been deleted. I think, and this is just my opinion that the back porch should be just that. Where we can talk about anything, share anything, if that means "selling" a thought or a product or a TV program or movie that we loved, then so be it. Isnt that what we would do with our friends on our own back porches........ I think that sharing good things needs to happen because we hear about so much bad stuff here...... I was even acused of posting pics of my puppys and horses in order to sell them.... even tho they were all sold prior to posting..... just peoples negative opinions. Also told that posting pics of my horses on the forum was an effort to "sell" them or their services. Thats not what this is all about. I contacted people thru private e mails about the juice..... not on the posts. that respected everyone I thought. Im sorry too about offending people but Im really glad to read good positive stories rather than, "I hate myself" or "Other people hate me" stories. That gets old for some of us to and so I just dont read those. If people chose not to read these then thats ok too but leave them here for those who do .

Obviously most of you are now distributors for this juice (as noted in your signatures) and of course these posts will sell more juice. My friend wont even come on here anymore since her posts were removed.
................... Kay - sorry to hear about your friend............ I guess there is a fine line drawn here somewhere.... I suppose if statements made in a post/signature selling a certain product was banned that would be cause to ban those of us that put our horse info in our signatures also ( in some peoples eyes anyway). I've been on here since almost the beginning & through the years have seen many sales tactics -some more bold than others.......... Statements made like " I have to sell so & so" or "we are expecting so & so foals ( or puppies) - & they will be for sale" etc, etc, even posters sharing non horse items, but to some readers seem like a subtle sales pitch.................... As I said, I guess there is a fine line there somewhere - just glad I'm not the moderator. :lol: ......................... Back to the juices - I have a friend that is trying to get me to buy MonaVie juice.. Dozens & dozens of users swear by it & I guess I believe the people that aren't trying to sell it. I also see that it does not do anything for some people. Can't hurt those that have the money to buy it though as these juices are full of good stuff.
Several years ago I was a distributor for a product that sounds just like your juice. It too helped fibromyalgia, parkinson's and about everything. I got dis-involved because the product was getting more and more expensive, and yes, we took 2-3 times more than was required. Also, as a distributor, our pay kept changing till it was no longer profitable for me at all. So, beware of your CEO who can make your juice so expensive for you, and can make your juice so expensive you can no longer afford to take it. Check with you home offfce and see if the pay plans have been changed much in it's history! Lyn, pm me if you will and tell me who your distributors and CEO are. When I left my company, so did several others, and was told they had found a "new" product.

I have to agree with Kay and Mona on this one......I'm glad for those helped but there is a fine line , I really am happy for those who have been helped and found don't take this wrong or be personally offended. Please don't take my opinion personally.

Some of this veeta vita vegiman or whatever it's called "juice" type posts aren't very subtle anymore to the fact that their almost looking for customers/endorsements/testimonials on this particular public forum.
: Not my place to be judgemental and yeah I can pass the posts by and I do.... but Kay and Mona have valid points and I agree. Pretty soon everyone will want to sell something here.
: . ...JMHO on the issue. Now, off to have my V-8 :eek: ....come on I was only joking...I don't drink V-8 or endorse it/sell it, I do try to follow "forum rules".

the only thing that I dont like is that i had a friend that has been posting here for years, and her posts were removed from the back porch because they were thought to be "selling" something. Obviously most of you are now distributors for this juice (as noted in your signatures) and of course these posts will sell more juice. My friend wont even come on here anymore since her posts were removed.

And please dont try to say that these posts dont sell juice because look how many of you bought it and your all forum members. I am glad you have all been helped by the juice so please dont take this the wrong way.

Now this isnt my forum and I dont set the rules LOL but it just does seem odd that some get to post topics like this and other ones get deleted.
If it is going to be the policy not to share what we do or how we feel because it can be construed by some as advertisement.... then should we also say, no more post about puppies, no more wood burning posts, no more posts about paintings, or quilts, or gems, or show halters we make or cut outs or.bengal cats, or pretty much anything we do or enjoy or offer or whatever..... should this forum only be about who hurt someones feelings, who has family and job issues.... things like that. Thats all Im saying. Where is the fine line.... for example, I offered to buy one of Crabby Chickens beautiful chicken paintings..... So does that mean she shouldnt post her paintings anymore.... of course not! HAve I said to anyone you MUST buy my juice or join my team or brag about how much money I have made selling the juice in the last three months... no I havent. All we have done is tell what has happened to us. That we finally feel good for the first time in a long time. If someone PMs me about it that is between us not the whole forum. No different than if I would buy Debbies healing stones, or Crabbys chicken painting, or try to get my hands on one of Karlas great quilts. Privately. Do I enjoy seeing pics of all those things? You bet. Would I rather hear how Melanies Dad can walk and talk and how Barb isnt tied to her bathroom better than wondering if someone should get a tatoo or dye their hair or the crisis it caused when they did them , or the relationship battles that some have..... You bet. If we cant do these things here then where should be go to talk and share.

That's right Lyn, there is a fine line, and you just keep on pushing it! No one is saying you can't discuss it. BUT, yes, whether you publicly admit to it or not, I don't care, but you know yourself, you ARE using this forum as a sales tool! You never once even mentioned this wonderful juice UNTIL you becamse a distributor! Then suddenly it was the best thing since sliced bread...some magical cure-all!

The point is, it would be far less "obvious" as selling, if you would just post something and move on. People can comment, question, or whatever. If people want to buy from people that posted about something, or ask prices, FINE, BUT, do it privately! What's wrong with sending an email, or a private message through the forum? Oh yes, I know you have always made it so clear...

Q - what is Goji?

A - So and so, you have a Pm

...does that really need to be said? Why can't you just send the PM and be done with it? Because then you wouldn't have been making it obvious to everyone that YOU ARE A SELLER for the priduct!

OK Mary Lou, I REALLY, REALLY want that pulling hair icon...NOW!

Oh, and just to clarify, YES, I am truely happy for those of you it has helped....all I am unhappy with is the way people feel the need to push the limits.
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I guess I'm happy I read this Goji thread. I had been avoiding it because I am sick and tired of the not so subtle use of the message board as a sales platform. I'm happy I'm not alone in seeing how some people push it.
Mona. the reason I didnt mention it before was because I never heard of it before. I became a customer one week and a distributor the next week. Thats why I didnt share before. Thats all. When I had something to share I did.If you had been able to regain your sight after 5 years from something wouldnt you have shared that here?

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And, I said it before and probably vilified myself to many here, but I find it very concerning that Lyn hypes the benefits of this product every chance she gets and has a link to purchase it in her signature line (how is that mini horse related???) as well as a reference to the fact that she used to be a registered nurse...

In my line of work, if I were to make ANY written online claims about products I sell, the NASD compliance would be a nightmare and my disclosure would be two pages long...
OO <---- two asprins for Mary Lou!

And a cup of non-name brand soda to wash them down!
i want to be clear that i really like lyn and this is nothing personal at all

but you cannot compare peoples paintings and quilts to a magical juice with distributors, etc. Its not at all the same thing. This "distributorship" is a pyramid selling plan just like so many others. The ones that make the money are the first ones to hop on board and then hop back off. I have to assume all the distributors here on LB are signed up under you lyn because you were the first.

I dont think karla is claiming her quilts help medical problems but imo they probably do have a nice soothing effect

There truly is a huge difference!

Okay ill shut up
:new_argue: And again I wonder what the point of having a Back Porch is if we have to stay mini horse related here too...Just as well save ML the money and time it takes to maintain this part of the board, and then no one will be able to see "the new Puppy", the beautiful quilts...and the list goes on! I learned after my first post got pulled that not everyone here is on a level playing field...I thought that we had gotten around the problem by labeling our posts about Goji as such so that the ones of you that weren't interested knew to avoid them...but just look, as soon as this thread started getting a few posts on it even the ones of you that "avoid Goji threads" had to jump in and check it out...just in case there might be a pot to stir!! Sure enough the pot must have been ready, cause here you are!!! :eek:

A "gathering place" for all of us to discuss almost anything "NHR". PLEASE NOTE: Some topics may be very controversial... If you can't take the heat, don't read them!!!

I think there is a big difference from when people post pictures of their paintingss, woodburnings, etc.

BTW, I personally love looking at those.

In fact i did commision a wood burning, and paid decent money for it. (and i was very happy with it)

The big difference from that is....... i knew what i was buying, I knew exactly what i was getting.

And it was a one time thing, (meaning....i bought it once, i didn't have to keep supplying myself with woodburnings every month :bgrin

But this is a product that i feel is being pushed on here. I guess my feeling is that if a person wants to advertise for it....Maybe they should be paying for the advertising?
To refresh everyones memory, or to post it here for those who have not yet seen it, this is taken directly from the Forum Etiquette and Rules

ADVERTISING/SOLICITATION - Posting for the sake of advertising is not allowed. This includes, but is not limited to, transportation posts, and wanted posts. Posts directing LB traffic to other online auctions, sale boards. forums, and/or interactive Miniature horse sites without permission/agreement will also be removed. Second offence of this violation may result in being banned from further use of the LB Miniature Horse Forums/Sale Boards/LB-LC Auction and other public places on the web site.
It is my (unpaid!) job as Forum Admin/Moderator to help ensure these rules are followed!
Let me also clarify because it was said here that this is a pyramid thing.... it isnt and it shouldnt be compared to that by people who dont know the company nor care to investigate. Lets just not make blanket claims about it. We are not hyping anything we are simply saying what has happened to us. If you , by some of the posts are intimating that we are not being truthful ( thats what hyping something up means) then that becomes personal. Some of you know me personally, Kay you have met me at my worst .... Ohio and nationals and I am totally different. Wouldnt you shout that from the roof tops? I care about everyone here not to make money but to help you feel better... making money is a side effect. Its ok if you dont like it, the juice or the posts but just as you dont want us making claims about the miricle juice dont make statements about the company without investigating it first.

I guess I must have missed the sales pitch. However I caught a few for unrelated things on other threads recently and there wasn't any flack there

Congrats Barb on your results! I use Goji too, however I buy mine locally from a health food store, not from anyone here on the board. I love the stuff. My hubby bought me a bunch for Christmas and slowly but surely, I'm noticing changes for the positive.
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Kay come to Ashland and Lennies 4th of july show and I will be there! And of course Nationals again.

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