Another Milk Test Question

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Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2002
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Where do I get the test strips and is there a trick to performing the milking when the mare is "testy" when I get remotly clost to touching her bag?
I've ordered the strips and test kit from Valley Vet Supply (

Some mares are just touchy about it and it becomes a two person job, someone to hold her still and maybe pinch her nose while you get a sample. If she's uncooperative, you might try first holding a moist warm cloth on her udder to relax her a bit. Usually just maidens who are bad about it, but I'm watching a mare now who due to have her 4th foal and is just nasty about being checked.

Yes, the nervous girls really do need two people, as Jan posted. And a warm washcloth often helps them relax as it feels good to them. What also helps is giving them some scritches on their belly.

Believe it or not, another source for the milk test strips is from a Hot Spa store! Sometimes, even Walmart has them. The hot spa water test strips are the same type strips you'd be getting from Valley Vet.

When you using the water test strips -- you are looking at readings for "Water Hardness" and/or the Ph.

You can use as little as 1/2 cc of mare's milk to 3 cc's distilled water mixed together in a small clean container. Then, just dip the strip, shake the excess liquid, count to 10 and read the color. You want the water hardness (which reads calcium content) to be the HIGHEST and the Ph to be the LOWEST reading.

Good luck with your mare,


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