Monday, July 6, 2009 12:36 PM
From: This sender is DomainKeys verified"Kevin Cueva" <[email protected]>Add sender to ContactsTo: [email protected],
My name is Kevin Cueva a London based businessman.In a bid to expand my business,I have recently completed a well established massage center in the United Arab Emirate (Dubai) with 60%businessss focus,40% relexation,4 doctors, and chiropractors.
Due to my desire to extend to animal massage,I am currently working on the unit and would like to send one of my eligible,english speaking staffs to you for training in animal/pet massage.My company desire the services of a well trained staff hence have decided to send a staff for training.I've read your profile through the internet and quite believe that you are well qualified for this training.
I will therefore need to know the following from you so as to know my budget for the training course.
1.The areas you will train the staff on.
2.The duration you will need to train the staff before she'll become a fully qualified animal massage therapist.
3.How many hours will she be training per day and what's your charge per hour.
4.I will need you to give me a sum total of the amount the training will cost.
5.Also let me know if there are other things she might need to come along with.
6.When is your best time for commencement of the training.
Pertaining the payment,I will be able to make out the payment to you either with my credit card or a cashier's check as I have a company in America owing me some money of which I may pay you off for the services before her arrival.I have discussed with them and they accepted to pay me with cashier's check drawn from a United States bank so once we conclude on your service charges and everything works out with me,I will have them make out the payment to you immediately.Otherwise you should let me if credit card is acceptble to you so that I will use ,ine to make the payment.Please do forward your response to [email protected]
.I will await your response.

Monday, July 6, 2009 12:36 PM
From: This sender is DomainKeys verified"Kevin Cueva" <[email protected]>Add sender to ContactsTo: [email protected],
My name is Kevin Cueva a London based businessman.In a bid to expand my business,I have recently completed a well established massage center in the United Arab Emirate (Dubai) with 60%businessss focus,40% relexation,4 doctors, and chiropractors.
Due to my desire to extend to animal massage,I am currently working on the unit and would like to send one of my eligible,english speaking staffs to you for training in animal/pet massage.My company desire the services of a well trained staff hence have decided to send a staff for training.I've read your profile through the internet and quite believe that you are well qualified for this training.
I will therefore need to know the following from you so as to know my budget for the training course.
1.The areas you will train the staff on.
2.The duration you will need to train the staff before she'll become a fully qualified animal massage therapist.
3.How many hours will she be training per day and what's your charge per hour.
4.I will need you to give me a sum total of the amount the training will cost.
5.Also let me know if there are other things she might need to come along with.
6.When is your best time for commencement of the training.
Pertaining the payment,I will be able to make out the payment to you either with my credit card or a cashier's check as I have a company in America owing me some money of which I may pay you off for the services before her arrival.I have discussed with them and they accepted to pay me with cashier's check drawn from a United States bank so once we conclude on your service charges and everything works out with me,I will have them make out the payment to you immediately.Otherwise you should let me if credit card is acceptble to you so that I will use ,ine to make the payment.Please do forward your response to [email protected]
.I will await your response.