Awww thanks for the compliments on the babies and mommies. Unfortunately I dont have land here at the house its all down the road so the mares only get the back lawn when they are here for foaling but once the foals are strong enough and the darn weather cooperates they get get to live the summer down at the 3 acre field. They are usually around 4 - 5 wks old before this happens but it does also depend on the weather.
Dont ask me about colour Karina - I'm useless LOL!! But, as always your pictures are so beautiful. l love her pretty little face and that 'blaze' marking is just so unusual.
She is a total pocket mini and while not as brazen as Tilly although she definitely has her moments and while I wanted to take pics she wanted her behind scratched so to inform me of her request she would reverse into me and then buck into my legs (that bit is just like her sister LOL)
I have a very good camera too which helps plus a super lens and I wont tell you how much it cost me LOL plus I have my eye on another lens but its going to take me a while to save for it.
Another set of fabulous pictures Karina - she is gorgeous, you must be thrilled with her!
She certainly looks as though she could be a 'little madam' LOL!! Actually when I look at her little face with that unusual white blaze, I'm sure she is saying "Ha!! I'm unique - no straight, normal markings on my cute face"!!