We had two little kittens appear on our porch Christmas Eve. It was so cold and there was 5 1/2 inches of snow on the ground. We felt so sorry for them. They are a tad wild but we're working on that. Hubby made them a "nest" using a plastic dog house. He put a cardboard box for insulation in there along with a bunch of my towels. At first they were content to hand out in their house but then they discovered the stack of hay in the barn. Much warmer, they are thinking. So now they appear in the morning for breakfast and in the evenings for dinner. And there is a nice "nesty" looking spot on top of the hay. As soon as they are touchable, we'll take the little female in to be fixed and then we'll have two really nice barn kitties. I'd bring them inside except that we already have four inside cats. I don't want to be featured on that TV show "Confessions of an Animal Horder". We think they were dumped as we live way out in the country and there were fresh tire marks in the snow of someone approaching, turning around and then leaving. Anyway, although we didn't want two more animals and had no desire for two more animals, you do what you gotta do. And we're real softies so........now we have little boy kitty and little girl kitty.