I'm a TV-holic, I'm not too picky so there's usually always something on that I'll watch, hubby on the other hand is really picky and his work schedule is weird so there isn't much we watch religiously every week.
These are our
favorites so we wait until they come out on DVD and either buy or rent them so we can watch them all at once w/out commercials.
The Sheild
Stargate SG-1
Stargate Atlantis
Battlestar Galactica
These are some that I like but just watch if I happen to be watching TV when they're on.
CSI: New York - don't care for CSI Miami as much but I'll watch it.
Law & Order: SVU
Without A Trace
The 4400
Everybody Loves Raymond - too bad it's done now
Venture Brothers - if you're into cartoons this one is hilarious... Well, we have a weird sense of humor so maybe it's not so funny to "normal" people.
King Of The Hill
Monk - although I don't like it as much now that Sharona is gone.
ER - I used to watch this religiously but haven't seen any of the last few seasons, is it still on?
Simpsons - hubby's favorite, I think it's getting dumber & dumber with eash episode.
Yes, Dear - hubby loves this show, one of the few sitcoms that he'll watch
What Not To Wear
Sex & The City - although I think I've seen all of them
And I'll watch pretty much anything on the history or discovery channel and hubby likes the military channel. We both hate reality shows.
I've always wanted to watch Six Feet Under, Invasion, 24 and Rescue Me so will have to get the past seasons on DVD to catch up. Did anyone watch Carnivale on HBO? I always wanted to see it.