Any Updates recently on the Bradfords & their Minis??

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Aug 26, 2006
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[SIZE=12pt]Hi All! I'm new here and really came to see if any one had heard any more recent (than the Oct 1, 2005- which seems to be the last post on this topic) updates on the Bradford family and their mini-s? Any progress on getting the family's home repaired and their horses reunited with them??? They have been very much in my thoughts and prayers this last year (as well as the many other Katrina victims!) and when I started seeking an update of any kind through various sources (mini and otherwise), I was referred to this board as a possible means on "checking up" with their current status of recovery! Thanks ahead of time. [/SIZE]

P.S. Really great Forum that you have here ... great source of information for those who are just interested in Miniature Horses!
HI Marky

Last time we heard from them at CMHR they were getting repairs done on their farm and were getting their horses back. They were very happy and thankful to receive donations from everyone here at LB and everyone that saw the CNN news and donated to CMHR on their behalf.

thanks for asking

HI Marky

Last time we heard from them at CMHR they were getting repairs done on their farm and were getting their horses back. They were very happy and thankful to receive donations from everyone here at LB and everyone that saw the CNN news and donated to CMHR on their behalf.

thanks for asking


[SIZE=12pt]Thanks Kay for your quick answer! I am soooooo relieved to hear that things are slowly getting back to normal for them and that their horses were going to be able to return home. What a nightmare for all of them, (and especially for the little foal that lost her mother during the storm.). Thank heavens for the commitment and hard work of CMHR in responding to that CNN story and in bringing about that rescue even with such formidable obstacles![/SIZE]

Just too bad that there was no follow-up story to commend them and highlight their organization and also the work of Chances Mini Horse Rescue! Hmmmmm .... guess I need to drop a note to Anderson Cooper about that one!
well if you ever get ahold of Anderson Cooper please give him my phone number as I would really like to talk to him. He really left us in a bad spot by reporting that story and never updating it. We begged and begged him and CNN to update etc and he would never return our emails or calls.

Thank you for caring!!

There you go Marky! Told you the folks on LilBeginnings would know what was going on. Great bunch of folks on here and they seem to enjoy sharing info, something you just don't find everywhere!
:saludando: Welcome Marky from the east coast of Virginia.

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