Anybody can pickles?

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Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2002
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I make them every year and I am not sure what the deal is. I dont pressure can them, I put them in room temp jars and boil the lids in hot water until the liquid is ready to go in the jars. I have had several this year that have sealed but then like a week later they will just pop. What is the deal with that?

I have had a few that didnt seal so I just re-did them but they were like that from the get go.
I guess I'm not much help, as I do a lot of canning, but always hot water bath can my pickles. I'm not very good with dill pickles as I can't seem to get them crispy enough, but have won first prize at the county fair with my bread and butter pickles, and relish.
If you are boiling the lids with the rubber sealant, that could be your problem. They are just supposed to be kept in hottish water until put on the jar. You may be getting the sealant too soft and it is failing.

I always hot water bath pickled items. Worked on pickled okra yesterday.

The hardest thing for me is keeping my product from floating.
I will have to try that tonight then. I was told to boil them, recipe handed down from my grandma. Hum...... I have a bunch more to do tonight so will try it with out boiling these ones.

It seems to be mostly the spears that I have problems with. I just dont get why they stay sealed for a week or so then pop.
Just a thought, they might be popping open because some of the product was on the lip of the jar, try wiping off the top of the jar before applying the lid. I also boil the lids and rings for five minutes, then turn them off while puring the product into the jars, then I use tongs to take them out of the still hot water, but they are cool enough that I can hand tighten. I had some tomatoes that I canned, and they wouldn't seal because I got in a hurry and forgot to wipe off the top of the jars with a paper towel before applying the lids.

We can all the time. The most important thing is to make sure your lip is clean. U can have something on it that is breaking the seal. we always boil the lid.. the keep the hot water hot on simmer.. one other thing is when we make pickles we turn the jar over till it seals. dont know if you do this or not..

DIdnt anybody tell you we can can like our grandparents could lol...

Best of luck with the ones that you are doing tonight


oh please post pics
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I took a master food preserver class. We were told not to get the lids too hot as it would ruin the rubber seal. But if they are NOT hot they won't soften and form to the glass. I heat a pan with enough water to cover the lids on the stove, take it off the heat, and leave the seals in that hot water until ready to put them on the jars.

You are using NEW sealing lids? One should never reuse lids.

I know some people use non-canning jars to can but we were told that is a no-no also. The rings/lids are not designed to fit them correctly and the glass is not as strong.

Wiping the jar lip off is very important.

Why would you boil the rings? They never touch the food.

Call your extension office and ask. The Home Economist will surely have some answers for you.

You are lucky to have anything to can. We are a vegetative wasteland here this year. It's fun to read about everyone who is canning!
Well most of them have come from my moms garden. My burnt up or weeded up. I did get a few cucs and have some mellons going but that is it.

Anybody know how to tell when mellons are done?

Yes its new lids and seals. Infact new jars as well. I have never heard of flipping them over. IF they dont seal tonight I will try that tommorow when I reseal them.
Ashely what kind of melons is it watermelons?? my granddaddy would always look at the bottom of them and if they was white he would pick them.. Hope this helps

watermelon and green melon. We did pick one that was like that and it wasnt even close to ready
well after trying some of the suggestions on here only 6 of the 18 jars sealed so guess what I get to do this morning?
I also boil the lids and rings for five minutes, then turn them off while puring the product into the jars, then I use tongs to take them out of the still hot water, but they are cool enough that I can hand tighten.
Thats how I do it and I have never had any pop. But a friend told me a few years ago once the jars are filled and sealed do not touch them or move them until the next morning. So I have always done that.

Im hoping to do spiced peaches this weekend.
The only thing I can come up with is maybe you got some bad lids. If you've tried every thing else, try hot water bath with new lids for 10 minutes at a good boil. Then remove and let sit over night, remove rings and check to see if lids popped down. Seems a shame you're having such a problem with some, I'm sure good pickles.
I dont touch or move them until the next day or at least a good 12 hours. I re did them this morning at just by looking them they appeared to have all sealed.

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