Hi: I don't have a lot to add; loved the info. As for the negative comments...it's part of life. How many of us American Shetlands breeders have heard, "Oh, a Shetland. Those mean little things." I grit my teeth every time I hear it, but it's a fact of life. I figure somewhere, in the ancient past, there was a legendary mean little shetland and because he/she was so mean, that he/she was sold/shipped all over the US, spreading the bad reputation wherever he/she landed -- sort of like a virus. We love our American Shetlands and I've yet to meet a mean one yet...but I know that somewhere, at sometime, there was a mean one who gave the whole breed a bad name, maybe it's the same case with the Caspians? You know the story of one rotten apple spoiling the barrel. Anyway, that's my take. Ta, Shirlee