Anybody know anything about statistics?

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Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2002
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I am so frusterated with this class, and am going to kill my grades. If it wasnt required I wouldnt be taking it. My teacher is useless as he just sends stuff back saying fix it, even thought I tell him I dont get it and dont even know what I am supposed to fix as he dont say that either. I am trying to figure out stupid scatter plots in excel, and how to do more then 2 variables, this assignment I have 4. Grrrrr, I so need to find a wall for my head. I spend all my time in this stupid class so the others are not getting the work done that they need, nor is anything around here getting done.
Sorry, I hated statistics, had to take it, but it was many years ago. Can you find a tutor for this class or maybe talk to a different professor in the department? Teacher's assistant or someone?
TAs are my favorite as they usually just took the course too and know good tricks for studying. I feel for you when it comes to using Excel-UGH! I have so much trouble using it. Always have to relearn everything each semester it seems. If you are having problems with it though, google it and there should be some great tutorials that come up for you. They saved me.
Google has helped me some. This is online classes so dont really know how to find help unless I want to pay and arm and a leg per hour for a tutor which I cant afford. That said the teacher really offended me tonight. There are only 3 of us in the class and we are all struggling. She graded an assignment I did and at the end stated that if I did my homework earlier in the week I would do better and figure it out. She is not helpful at all, and doesnt even try to help or respond to questions. There had been issues getting some stuff we needed for doing our homework, which is due tonight, and we stil havent been given the information.

I did email her on how she offended me assuming I dont take my time to do my work. Told her I didnt think a person who carries a 3.9 GPA is a person who doesnt do/take the time for quality work.
I took business statistics last semester and enjoyed it. It sounds like you have a bad teacher. Youtube videos can be a great educational resource-- not sure what they have in terms of stats videos but I know they have a lot of stuff for algebra and calc.
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I will try to help. I took a course on how to use excel in First year we will see what I can remember.

In your first post you say you need to have 4 variables in a scatter plot. What exactly do you mean when you say variables. Do you need four separate axes? or four bars on a scatter plot?
I am so frusterated with this class, and am going to kill my grades. If it wasnt required I wouldnt be taking it.
It was required when i went to college, too, and I seem to recall that I didn't mind it all that much and I know I got an A in it, but I just can't remember a thing about it, and we sure didn't use computers in that class. I took it in 1973!!!!

The class I hated was calculus. I took it in high school and never could get better than a "C" in it, and I totally avoided it in college!

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