Anybody wanna take a guess when I will "foal"?

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Nope. Shooting for Thursday. If they have to induce me it will be the weekend I am supposed to make Turkey dinner........
Well D-Day is here and no signs that this one is ready to come out. Which is ok as I need to give the house a good in-depth cleaning after the MIL leaves, which can’t be soon enough.

Drives me nuts. I would have thought that the stress would have put me in labor but nope. She’s been here for 5 days. Every day I get to hear how everything I eat is bad, how it’s bad, why I shouldn’t eat it and what other things I should eat instead. What medicines I should or shouldn’t take and why and yada yada yada. Here dogs are also here and driving me nuts. One blows snot, the other pees all over and chases the cats. So far he has gone on the furniture d the cat box. And since the cats can have their area they have decided to poop/puke all over the basement and guess who gets to clean it all up…………….arrrr.
Why was your MIL there (just asking cuz usually "parents" dont show up til after the baby is born...and Lori's not even there) ? You would think SHE would clean her dog's messes since she brought them and you are doing enough there...but apparently she thinks you can clean up, but not eat what you want...

I still say you will foal on the 11th
Shes here cause Lori didnt want me alone if I went into labor. I said that is what 911 is for if needed. I told her she wouldnt be in the room anyway, nor does she(or loris dad) consider it their grandchild anyway.

I cant wait for her to leave.....each day I get a bit more annoyed. Thank god my moms boyfriend is comming up to split wood today so I will be outside. I have plenty to do, like put siding on the house and clean the wood stove however, its snowing out and just not to motivated to do inactive things outside. Oh and the laziness drives me nuts. Emma askes for help going potty or wiping her nose and she just makes her do it on her own. She doesnt get up or do anything.
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I feel for you Ashley... Dont you just love mother in laws...
No progress as of today. Induction date is set to start the 18th.
Well shoot I think today was the day I picked but its not over yet!

I remember how miserable those last weeks were. I really hope you go into labor on your own. And of course I am sending more prayers that you have an easy labor and beautiful healthy baby girl.
nor does she(or loris dad) consider it their grandchild anyway.

Bless you for putting up with her. You're a better person than I, as I think I would have had to say "there's the door, and don't forget your dogs!"
Good luck Ashley! I have no children of my own, but I did get to be with my mother when she had my two youngest siblings (I am 16-18 years older than them). She was induced for them because we lived 30 minutes from the hospital and my mother had her first 4 children in 20 min or less. When she was induced it took much longer, but everything else went very well and my brother and sister were healthy.

I hope you have an easy delivery and most of all a healthy daughter
i'll put in a guess of 11/16
Any news? I keep thinking I will come here and see a post that the baby has arrived!

I so remember with my last one being so dang miserable waiting. Someone said "when you feel like you just can't take it anymore the baby will come" So true.

Was hoping for an update. Maybe this should be on the Marestare Forum?
Just kiddin.
I have just found this thread, I wish you all the best for a fast and easy "foaling"
Hoping Ashley doesn't mind me posting this... She posted on FB that she was in labor last night and it sounds like little Mya is being stubborn.
Thanks for the update ForRebel! Hoping all is going well. Today is the day I picked so I hope Mya isn't stubborn for too long!
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Hoping Ashley doesn't mind me posting this... She posted on FB that she was in labor last night and it sounds like little Mya is being stubborn.
YoHoo! This is her first right? That means it will take awhile. I told her to ask for drugs, hope she doesn't forget, we all know we need drugs! I had two with and three without, I vote for drugs! Hope all is well, I'll check back later for an update and pictures.

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