Anyone else heard of Redmond Rocks??

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Well-Known Member
Aug 6, 2012
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I was at our farm co-op today to get feed and hanging feed buckets since my little girls have been kicking their feed dishes over!!

I always seem to come out with extra things and today was no exception! LOl They had this new product instead of traditional salt/mineral licks called "Redmond Rocks". It is a rock that is found deep in the earth in Southern Utah. The rock is a natural sea salt rock containing more than 60 trace minerals. The co-op people said the horses would love it and it is really good for their hooves, better hydration, more energy and gives them a good nutritional balance. Well as soon as I put it out both Misty and Josie went right for it!! It was only $14.95 for a 7lb rock but we will see how long it lasts??

Anyone else use these and how do you like it??
Our horses love them. I don't feel they are amazing, but more natural than the gross mineral blocks. They last a good while.
My minis and full size horses love them - I've completely switched over to using them exclusively!!!!
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Wow, your Redmond Rocks are expensive!!! I pay 9.00 for the big rocks. I've used them for years. They do last a long time and the horses love them. I don't use anything else.
I like them for the horse. I bought one for the goats recently but haven't given it to them yet.

The Redmond Rocks don't crumble like regular white slat blocks. That is my biggest reason for liking them. Also, the thought that sodium should be in balance with other nutrients sounds appropriate to me. The rocks have trace minerals. Same reason I have been using more sea salt for us peeps when cooking:)
I have seen them at the local feed store but haven't tried them. Perhaps I will give them a try. I notice that you can get them in all different sizes and I think we have a price per pound on them.
I got something like this at Tractor Supply, not sure the brand I can't remember. I really like them, the horses like them too, seem to use them just as much or more than the regular white salt blocks. My goats like them too.
This is too funny.

When we first got our horses, I saw this salt at the co-op and got some; it seemed like a good idea what with the natural minerals, etc. Then I was reading older posts here on the forum and read that one should be careful because one might overdose a horse on the trace minerals. So I went back to using the big white salt blocks. I have not noticed any difference in our goobs’ acceptance of the white blocks vice the more “natural” salt. In fact, the white salt seems to last longer here in our wet climate.

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