Anyone else still waiting for winter?

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Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2002
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We have had only one day back in the beginning of November when we had any real snow to speak of. It came late one night and then was gone my the next day.

Then we had an icy rainy thing. That melted off very quickly too the next day.

No snow days off from school, just one early dismissal.

It's been cold on and off.

Mostly nights down into the 20's or 30's but the days have gone as high up as into the 60's.

One time we had snow in April.

I've got horses trying to shed over here.

Don't know if I should be waiting for spring or winter.

I"m a bit confused.
Are you trying to make me jealous??? We're having a warm but wetter than usual winter and I'm ready for it to stop. Glad you're having a nice winter but I am seriously jealous!
Winter? What is that? :lol: Other than a freeze/ice in Nov, nothing, nada, zilch. We have had many record breaking days, some in the 80's. Its a good 20-30 degrees above normal, been that for well over a month. The horses have no real winter fur, even mini doesnt look like a wooly mammoth. The trees are budding. Peach growers are panicing. And we are in a pretty bad drought. Normally we would have had so much rain by now the ground would be saturated and its cracking. Been getting warmer each winter for the last decade. Only thing I can probably count on is the yearly freeze/ice storm over Valentines weekend. Even my birds arent coming in the patterns they usually do , havent even seen some.
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I agree, we haven't had a very bad winter..........Actually I was thinking if I had known it would be such nice temps(50-60's here this week) I would have planned breeding my mares and their due dates for Jan/Feb.

Now my luck it will be blizzarding in March and April!
Not anymore.......... I'm home from university today cause its a SNOWDAY!!!!!! :aktion033: :aktion033: :aktion033: :lol:
We don't get snow right here but we do get rain and make no mistake about it we have had LOTS of rain this year. I am so lokking forward to the sun. Our springs are pretty wet to so I'm guessing the mold will be growing on me before summer.
We've haven't had much of a "winter" here either. It was in the 60's and beautiful last weekend!! Weather guys are saying that the snow from OR/WA should be hitting us this weekend. Next week high temps are only supposed to be in the 30's. My minis are trying to shed too!!
Here we are ready for winter to be OVER. Mud, ice, ugh... There is hope though; Darrin saw two Robins yesterday! I guess Phil will let us know tomorrow what's ahead.
winter? naah you can keep it, want some of our snow and frost?

Yea not much of a winter here, maybe seen more than an 1inch of snow on the ground for about 10-15 days? We will get snow and the next day it rains and the the temp. stays in the 40
: We have some plants growing here( black eyed Susans) my neighbours grass is starting to look like it will need to be mowed if it will dry out from all the rain :lol:


Edited to add- We haven't had the pond frozen but for 2 days- that is unusual.
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Oh. You mean it's not spring?! We skipped winter this year but the weather has been wacky. One day it'll be sandals, shorts and t-shirts weather and the next you're wearing socks with your sandals, capri pants and layering t-shirts over tanktops.
: It's only snowed twice and nothing really stuck. When that funny white stuff was falling you could hear most of the people who live here outside shouting about it they were so excited.
NO way! We have had winter, but then, our winters are usually very mild, very wet and windy.

Just more so than usual this year.

I am waiting for Spring, anxiously, and Summer even more so, but I don't want to get too far ahead of myself!

I have lots to do before show season!

Forget about that Winter stuff, bring on the dry, warm seasons.

Liz M.
It's here, it's here, it's here, pleeeeeassssse take it away. We are drowning in winter. Rain rain go away my little ponies want to play
We're still waiting for snow and cold temps but nothing so far it's been beautiful except for a few times. lf we would have known that we could have had foals by now while it was nice and warm for them. Guess the crappy winter along with the real cold temps that hasn't showed up yet will appear just in time for the babies next month when we don't want it.
AUGGGHHH gee Marty, we were doing so good with out temps and weather.
: Most of the days it was about 20 degrees above normal, normally we have a good couple feet of snow at this time. :no: .we have (HAD) about 4-6"s well, you know the saying all good things must come to a end...well, it has...-Its been snowing Monday-Tuesday-Wednesday- even tho its not coming dowm as a big snowstorm or anything we got another couple of inches, and now its so sloppy out there, but the temps still are not bad :bgrin I am not waiting for winter and I want summer...minus the bugs :bgrin We cant complain about our "warm" weather but it sure did spoil me and I hate to think of the normal temps and snow for us now..NOPE--dont want it! Corinne
Same here! Just one snow accumulation this season and I will be perfectly happy.
So far, we've had what I consider a FANTASTIC winter. Far warmer than normal, no snow (and if any gets here I'll send it BACK TO YOU, Marty :lol: ) But, it is ONLY Feb 1 -- and I can attest to the fact that 2 of the worst/largest snow happenings that this area has ever had were BOTH in the first 10 days of MARCH :new_shocked: So, while my electric buckets are out and have only needed to be plugged in a couple of days, I'm not quite ready to pack them up!

I really, really dislike the extreme cold and snow is only pretty on a postcard......or maybe a weekend far away from home, as in fly to Aspen ..... :lol:

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