Anyone ever had a broken finger?

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Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2002
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I did something really stupid a couple of weeks ago with a horse (not a mini) ..... I didn't let go of the lead in time when the colt panicked and bolted. I ate dirt.

Three of my fingers on my right hand were injured. Two were sprained (I think) and they are basically fine now. The middle one is still bad. I can use it a little but any pressure on either side of it is very painful. AND from the top joint the tip is bent a little sideways. It's also still a little swollen.

Yes, I wore a finger brace and had my two fingers on either side of it taped for about a week, but it was more painful WITH the brace that I took it off.

Question: How long does a broken finger take to heal???

OK I am not a Doctor or a Nurse but I have been where you are now!! I was told it was actually too painful to be a break, and was a sprain!!

I found taping it made it more painful and I had trouble sleeping because of it so I soaked a towel, wrapped the bad hand , put it in a polythene bag and elevated it on a pillow and it was far less painful.

It took about six weeks to heal, and as the Doctor said, his advice would have been the same whether it was broken or not.

Apparently a sprain is far more painful than a break.

If you are really in doubt though, you should take it to an ER.
Well I don't know if I broke my finger or not but about two months ago I used my pointer finger to push shut a door on a big old heavy pick up and when I did my finger got bent back somehow and that first joint just below my fingernail was either broke or sprained. It was very swollen and black and blue for about three weeks oh and did I say painful?? Anyway if what I had was a break it still hurts just a little and its been two months. Way do I have a feeling that you dislike going to the doctor as much as I do :new_shocked:
You poor thing!!! Ouch!!! I'm pretty sure I broke my finger a few years ago - I had it taped, etc. but never went to a doctor. It was a couple months before it felt normal again, but I will say that it did not heal straight - there's now a curve in the side of my finger (index). I'm sure you have doctors as much as I do (!!!) but you may want to think about making a quick visit...

Hope you feel better!

Liz R.
Go to the Doctor!!!! I have broken several fingers. One of tehm I had to have a cast wiht or it would heve never healed right adn they had to set teh bone because of the type of break too. If you don't go to the doctor you could end up worse than you are now. And yours sounds a lot like mine by the way. GO!!! Why are you still sitting here reading this...leave...go!!!!!!
Ouch, sorry I don't have any good advice other than it might be wise to visit a doctor just to be sure you will heal up good as new!

Sorry you're in pain, though, and I know how that can happen. Sometimes, in spite of all we know, we make a mistake that ends up costing us more pain than it should have. Glad it wasn't worse, though.

Liz M.
MA, I was hoping your fingers were better by now! I've been meaning to check up on you. I wouldn't have gone to the Dr. either.
: Last time we had a broken finger in the family, it turned out we didn't need to go to the Dr, but we did. He said that if it looks straight, all he would do is tape it (which is exactly what I figured) and let it be. However, if it was crooked looking he said it would need to be reset or it would heal crooked.

Hope your fingers are better soon!!
I had pretty much the same thing happen in 1992, three fingers hurt like the dickens!! I did have them taped up for a while to heal but they hurt for a long time and I find that the one finger is still pretty sensitive if someone gives a good yank on the lead I feel it. I guess if I were you I would get it looked at just to be sure that it isn't going to heal weird. My vet x-rayed mine, LOL
It sounds broken to me! In Oct 2004 I was lunging a big hose and she bolted on me. She drug me by my pinky! I looked at it and almost passed out, it was backwards :new_shocked: ! I went to the emergency room and thank God I had a wonderful nurse who took the time to get my wedding ring off because that finger was hurt too and swelling. I had to have a half cast for 4 weeks and then they did surgery and put 2 pins in and another cast for 6 weeks! Yuck! It still hurts when it's cold or it gets numb for no reason.

Go get it looked at!!! Just to make sure!!!

I had an incident with two TB's I didn't know that I was leading that decided rearing up at me/strikeing out at me and going psycho would be a fabulous idea. I didn't want to let go of these horses leads because they were VERY expensive horses (I'm talking the cheapest one was $100,000) and they weren't mine. I managed to get it all sorted out but felt AWFUL...although it wasn't my fault at all as the people had left me alone with the two horses that I didn't know and I had never lead two horses at once before. I looked down at my hand and it was COVERED in blood, no part of my hands were not red. Apart from some bad cuts I also had two chipped bones on my left hand my middle and ring finger. This happened before July of 2005 and only now is it 100% better although I can't braid hair or little tideous things liek that for more than a few minutes without it hurting really badly now.

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