Anyone ever have a sinus infection?

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Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2006
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Southern Ca
I went to my doctor today and she diagnosed me with a sinus infection. She wrote me a prescription for Keflex, and told me to try the Neti Pot. A half an hour ago, I did the Neti Pot and all of a sudden my right nostril kept draining tons of thick orangish mucus. The mucus from my left side is clear and runny. I am freaking out!

I called her office but she is in with a patient. Both sides of my sinuses have been clear since using it, but now I'm scared that I did something wrong or my body has something really bad going on with it. Has anyone used the Neti Pot before? If so, have you or anyone you know had a similar experience?
I had a sinus infection this past fall, just after fall allergy season, but my mucous was green tinged. The orange or green is normal with this, and yes the nettie pot helps to clear out this nasty mucous, so keep using it.
I get at least one a year.. A few years ago I lived with one all summer..

I refused to take allergy meds, so did my antibiotics perscribed and I do use a neti-pot if needed.. Make sure you use distilled water. I especially like doing it at the end of the day.. Grooming dogs all day I get a lot of fur in my nose.. Not to mention dust from horse chores. There is another sinus rinse type bottle you can buy that's a little easier to use than a pot.

I also found that when I did it more often I didn't wake up with as many allergy symptoms -- itchy eyes, stuffy nose..

Not to be too graphic but I would get hard hunks of stuff, lots of mucus, hair, dirt and I assume even tar (I am a smoker).

Claritin was my favorite allergy med - non drowsey, no ill effects and helped with the puffy eyes.
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Ok, thanks guys. I actually feel a little bit better now. I did get intouch with my dr and she said to only do the rinse once a day and to not expect results over night (usually takes two to three days). She also wants me to do Nasanex after clearing my sinuses, but I'm kind of scared to use a spray. If I remember clearly, I've heard bad things about Nasanex. ???

I used the Neti Pot really quick to test it out, but I did most of my rinse using a sinus rinse bottle that you lean over. I like it a lot better then turning sideways. My biggest worry now is that I used water from our water cooler (Culligan), and microwaved it. Even though it's supposedly filtered, I'm worried about germs or whatever that could be in the water. I guess I'll use bottled water for now on.
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Yes, the sinus rinse bottle is my preference!

I should also add I used warm-ish tap water from my bathroom faucet for years (I have "country" well water) and it wasn't until a few years into using a sinus rinse that my (now) ex informed me it should be distilled only.... And I can honestly say I use distilled as much as possible, but not always.
I dont think I've ever bought distilled water before. If I buy a gallon jug, will it be ok to leave it at room temperature instead of in the fridge once opened?

I bought the Nasanex, but found out that it is a steroid. I just finished an eye coristeroid yesterday, so I will not be doing the nose spray. I have been having an eye issue since February, but I came down with cold-like symptoms on Easter (four days after starting the eye steroid). Now I wonder if the cold was the beginning of the sinus infecton, or just a result. :/
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My sinus infections always feel like normal colds -- that lead to lots of pressure / aches in my eyes, head and upper teeth and I either feel ear pressure or drainage.. Sometimes I swear I can feel my pulse in my upper teeth if my sinus' are acting up that severe.

Room temp distilled water should be okay.

ETA: An ENT doctor can actually palpate your sinuses and inform you how blocked you are.. Sometimes even applying pressure with my finger under my eyes / sinus area I can feel the blockage and it kind of radiates to my upper teeth.. Awkward feeling. Severe cases they have other ways to unblock your sinuses..

Drink lots of water, sinus rinse, antibiotic and if needed an allergy relief.. Water helps keep our body hydrated in all aspects, even sinuses
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I have had so many I lost count. Just wanted to add that I quit getting my frequent sinus infections when I started taking probiotics regularly. My kids get fewer colds and rarely get sinus infections since I started making them eat yogurt daily. I also swear by allegra 24 hour caplets. The 12 hour don't do anything for me, I get major relief from the 24 hour allegra during allergy season. Its expensive but well worth the 24 hours of no symptoms of allergies. I have a prescription nasal spray but only rarely need to use it anymore. Hope you feel better soon. It is a good thing to get the gross stuff out of your nose. It can be horrifying but is is good. hope you get relief soon. Ibuprofin can help too, it works good on soft tissue swelling and reduces pain. cheers.
I got a sinus infection really bad. I was sick Nov. - Most of Dec. It was really bad--sore throat, pink eyes, nose was stuffy all of the time, head ache, eyes hurt, teeth hurt, sometimes a stomach ache--it was like never ending! Finally before Christmas my mom took me to the Doctor and she gave me some kind of pills and I had to take two a day for 10 days and I was better and not contagious within two days! =)
Sounds like they are quite common. I don't know if I really would have worried about having one if it wasn't for havin my eye problem to begin with. Now I seem to be paranoid over every tiny little ache, pain, red spot...

Truthfully, my eye looks a bit swollen or 'not as open' as the one on the side that doesn't have the S.I. I don't know if it is sinus related or not.

Just a question, how do you disinfect your Neti Rinse Bottle after each use?
My fiance gets chronic sinus infections-caused by a biofilm of bacteria over his sinuses so antibiotics don't work. Being in a cold environment helps. It's pretty much constant when it wams up, but he is allergic to the world (not really, but it seems like it!). Nose rinses are very, very bad to use on a regular basis, but very normal to get the odd colored mucus if there's an infection. I usually get a bad sinus infection each spring. I wait it out a couple weeks and if still not cleared up, I do take antibiotics. Jeff has yet to find an allergy med that helps at all, and I really don't like taking pills, so pretty much we suffer together lol. It goes away eventually.

Hope you feel better. The pressure is always the worst part
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Sara, I've had "mild" sinus infections but a good friend and my mom have had more severe, and kind of back to back. I'd recommend calling your doctor, but I also feel like if you are flushing something out, that's good. I hope that after there was a relief of pressure / pain (that would be a guide to me personally). I know the few times I've had what I think are mild sinus infections, the pressure / pain is really not good. Hope you're feeling better soon!!!
KanoasDestiny, All is good with the netti pot results. Sinus irrigation is extremely helpful in removal. I applaud the Dr. for recommending this. Have had sinus infections in the past, some serious, that I have been able to treat on my own, every time thus far. I have not had one in several years now.

Those with chronic sinus infection would be well served to have their teeth checked for hidden and un-felt abscesses. I am not saying this is the cause, but it would be a good thing to cross it off the list as a possibility. Dealing with the root cause as opposed to symptoms should be the rule. Always try to understand "why".

Cloves of regular (not elephant) garlic, every day does quite a bit to deal with infection. For "medicine", the garlic must be consumed raw and in quantities and always with an eye on excessive thinning of the blood. Also pure oregano oil (Emphasis on pure) is one of the most potent and naturally occurring antibiotics in the world. The last time I checked several years ago, it had racked up 350 different pathogens that it killed. And it don't give two wits about gram neg. or pos. Also, due to its natural nature, bugs can't naturally mutate to get around it. With Pharma's going the route they are and their products failing over time because of their un-natural nature, naturally occurring antibiotics are going to become more necessary than not.

Raw honey from your local area can be extremely helpful with seasonal allergies. One must start before the season in order to gain full benefit for that season. There are numerous natural remedies and recipes for seasonal allergies, but the raw local honey does the job for us at a tablespoon per day.

I do truly hope that you are feeling better and will continue to be.

The above should only be viewed as "If it were me, I would......, and does not in any way "constitute medical advice or prescribing"....

Thank you all for the replies. Today is my third day on antibiotics and I haven't noticed much difference - I still have the pain behind and around my eye, pressure in the bridge of my nose, stuffy/clear sinuses, headache, and slight cough. I am wondering if this is more viral than bacterial. I have also done the sinus rinse the past two days, and 'everything' has been clear. Which is really weird because I know there was more orange stuff in there on Wednesday when I was done.

As far as I know, this is my first sinus infection. Although the symptoms were really close to a cold, so who knows, I may have just assumed what I've experienced all these years were, even if they might not have been. I have been having issues with my eye on the same side that my sinus infection is on, so I can't really tell if the pressure is from my issue or the sinus infection. I just want to be well, and have my eye (and face) the way it was before my dreadful snowflake encounter.
Unfortunately, it might take more than 4-5 days for you start feeling that the antibiotics are working.

I ended up with an ear infection in December, and I know I was more than halfway through the scrip before I started feeling like it was working. And, to really feel better, I had to start taking my allergy meds for awhile (I usually only use them in summer for outside allergies).
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Oh are talking to the sinus expert..

I get a sinus infection about every other month. My doctor calls me in a Z pack (which I think they just had a recall on, i've not taken any in 6 months or so). Anymore he gets me amox and it does the trick. I do the neti pot about 4-5x a week, I like to do it daily but I usually don't get to do it daily. I shoot for atleast 4-5x a week. I think if I did it daily, it would take care of my sinus infections..........

I just had one, about a month ago that was SO bad it made my teeth hurt!!! I actually had to get 2 root canals as the infection spread to two of my teeth and actually killed them. They were both teeth that were on the verge of dieing, that I had been putting off going to the dentist for, and both were heavily filled already. Had to get two root canals.
VERY LONG. The problem -

I was sick often as a kid, and with being military was seen by military ENT docs. Had many, many operations done for tubes in my ears - to drain fluid that wouldn't drain on their own. Ear infections, sore throats, stuffed nose, un-able to breathe, headaches... Had an eardrum "blowout" when I was 15 and had it replaced (that was pretty cool!)... Hate getting water in myears, don't particually like to swim. Have a hard time with mouth rinse - have had issues with my teeth (however, I'm closing in on 50 and still have most of my own teeth - my mom had full dentures at 30).

I was tired of being sick all the time - and of being tired. My parents "put their foot down" - and I received a series of Gammu-globulin shots (not sure that's right?) - at 17 (? I think). Drs argued that it wouldn't work, and one flat out said that it was a waste of money and time. Also insisted that it was a "placebo" - not a "cure". Turned out -it's a basic immune booster. For the first time - I wasn't sick 9 months out of the year... Then I joined the Army when I was 21 and got all those shots before Basic Training and then MORE when I went to Korea... I got sick... and stayed "sick" - upper respiratory and flu. Not Strep (tho always tested for it), not anything really that could be pin-pointed. Painful over the sinus's, constant drainage that I could neither "spit" nor blow into a kleenex or handkerchief. Then the stomach would start - from the constant nasal drainage. Sometimes would get a really bad cough... Was always treating the symptoms - didn't seem to be finding the problems. Sometimes anti-biotics worked - sometimes they'd seem to start working, then they would "stop" and I never seemed to get completely over anything.

After my hubby got out of the Army - 9 months out of the year of meds got pretty darn expensive, especially when we didn't have the best medical coverage. Got better medical coverage - seemed to stay on drugs - Z pacs seemed to work best, but not always! Sometimes Amoxicillian worked, sometimes straight Penn. More and more - turned to sulphur drugs rather than anti-biotics (think that's right?). Long before hubby out of the Army - our 3rd daughter was born with a collapsed lung. After getting out of the hospital, she also was always "sick" - constant drainage from her nose - mostly clear, but then wuld get infected. NO daycare would take her and I became a stay at home mom. I always dreaded the start of school - I was healthiest between May and September. Once the kids "brought something home" - I just stayed sick all fall, winter and early spring.


After our move to Lillington, I started having issues with my neck - usually everytime I was sick, getting steadily worse until I got over being sick . A friend recommended that I see a chiropractor. I was scared to (my family is SSSOOOO not hands on, and my dad insisted that a Chiropractic Dr "ruined" his back... It was a heavy influence thruout my childhood). Then one day, my neck "locked". 1st -it was EXCRUCIATING and 2nd it happened while I was driving to work. I couldn't move to see when I got to a stop sign. It "locked" slightly to the right. To see to my left at an angled road, I had to back up and angle my car, then rotate my body from the hips to see out the window and down the road. Made it to work, but by then the head ache had kicked in along with the pain of the "lock" and I was miserable. Between clients (one of the few busy days) and phone calls, I laid my face down on my glass topped desk. It was cool and it supported my head w/o pulling on anything. w/i a couple of hours, I couldn't work anymore.

The "FIX" -

I was very thankful to get into a local chiropractic office but scared almost spitless, too. Being "scared" added to the tension - which created more problems while working on the body. She (!) did some hands-on tests, was very gentle, and her assistants also worked with me when she did exrays.

It was decided that it was a combination of factors creating thr problem - going all the way back to my childhood when I had a couple of bike, then rollerskating, then riding then driving car accidents. Then Army - PT and active duty.. Gym - even when doing leg raises and situps in my early 20s I had a hard time and my hips would pop (now I know it is kinda like locking stifles but not... or arthritis). PLUS add in tension and since I'm "funny" about being touched - massage and hands on manipulation not the easiest or best option to start with...

They studied the exrays and then used a Pro-Adjustor on my neck and shoulders. The machine graphs how the back looks both before and after the treatment. Had some electro-stim to help with loosening ligaments and joints. Moist heat was applied while I was in the office. Later I was given instructions to switch back/forth with hot and cold packs on my neck, shoulders and upper arms. W/i 40 minutes, the neck was movable - tho sore and tender. I looked like I had mumps (didn't)... They "thumped" my face - using a hand-held "actuator" over my cheek bones, temples and forehead. The Dr asked if I got "sick a lot" - with sinus issues, headaches, toothaches. Surprised, I asked - how do you know? Seems nerves in the neck affect your head and sinus's. They were ... not "pinched" but "comprimised"??... I had 3 apptmts w/i the first week - each time getting better. It seems that it's a round circle issue... each thing tieing back into another - making a loop of things that made me "out of whack"... The 2nd week - "cold" issues started not being as serious. Less drainage from nose, fewer headaches. No throat issues, ears not completely plugged anymore. The movement of the vertabrae is opening up the spinal cord & nervous system - making the "symptoms" of the colds I was having constantly, a thing of the past.

We worked from 3x week, to 2x a week to 1x week - to 1x every 2 weeks, to 1x month... Took a couple of years (for me) to get to that point - in the meantime - I'm no longer getting sick like I had and when I did - did not spend weeks on antibiotics or OTC products for symptoms. Took our youngest daughter in - she was 14. After the first adjustment - FOR THE FIRST TIME IN HER LIFE - she had NO drainage from her nose (not dripping nor having to blow it). It was amazing. Since she started college 2 years ago (ITT - part time? - 3 classes per week) and then added in a full time, "grave yard" shift job she's not had many appointments. The difference is noticable - this year allergies have hit her hard. Her face has been swollen, her nose is constantly "drippy" and she's spending a tremendous amount on OTC drugs. So far, she hasn't gotten a sinus infection but I recommended that if she can't see our chiro Dr, she "find" one nearer to where she goes to school and works...

I'm learning about more holistic medicines and natural remedies (tho some are way more expensive than anti-biotics). I'm learning about the use of Theraputic Oils. I haven't jumped on the "all-natural only" bandwagon - but am learning about some of it. It's taking work to learn - some natural, plant products are just as dangerous as drugs (most are made from plants aftrer all) and I"M NOT A DOCTOR, nor have I found a doctor that deals only with western medicine or care (even if our insurance would accept it - it does not)...

To this day, I can't stand nasal spray "thingys" and I gag (nasty!!) when trying to use a Neti Pot (my hubby loves the Netti Pot but doesn't got to see a Chiropractic Dr). I used to live on Nyquil & Dayquil, Tylenol or Ibuprofen, Psuedophedrine (the "real" stuff - when they went to synthetic I quit using OTC products with it in them and I regularly "cuss" the folks that make Psuedophedrine harder to get. The synthetic makes me very, very ill - almost instant, debilitating headaches, severe stomach cramps and vomitting, icey chills - shaking so hard my body feels like it's vibrating apart.), cough syrups, throat loungenges - couldn't tell you how many OTC allergy meds I tried - most left me sicker than the allergy symptoms (Zyrtec works better than Clariton for me), and prescription drugs going thru lots of different levels of antibiotics. I DO still use those products - but few and far between. Dr visits and Dr bills have gone to almost non-existant

I know when it's been a while since I've been to the chiropractor. Sometimes I "stop in" just to get my face "thumped". I think I asked once if it was possible to use one on onself - I would have invested in one. I have also now had massage - upper back, neck and arms - have not gone to full body yet. My skin is "sensitive" since I'm not used to having it rubbed/handled (not right verbiage, but...). Swedish massage leaves my neck, shoulders, back looking like I've got a severe sunburn and makes me very sore (I've learned to drink nothing but water the day of a massage - to flush toxins released by the manipulation of muscles). Sometimes I will also go back to an icepack - especially on my neck. But when I do both chiro and massage on a regular basis (at least once a month, now), I see the difference in my posture and feel it in my body (I don't limp, my neck doesn't lock up, the pain in my lower back disappears, hips don't hurt as much and I overall feel better) and my health is "clearer". Seasonal allergies are still around - but are SOOOO much lessened that it still amazes me.

It's now been 6 years since that first chiro appointment. The differences are noticable and make my life better. They now alternate using the Pro-Adjuster and doing physical manipulation. I regularly have my right side "shorten up" - she alternates working on loosening and lengthening on my right side and using the Pro-Adjuster over my neck and shoulders. I also have what is known as a "Dowager's Hump" - on the back of my neck and shoulders (genetic from my mothers side of the family) and every massage and adjustment makes it a little smaller/less noticable. When I go too long between appointments (I have), it "grows")...

A chiropractic visit might be something you want to check into... if you don't already have chiropractic appointments.

I am sorry to have made this so long. I wanted to give you my health background and some of my "hang ups" to understand where/how this worked... Plus I seen to like to "write",

The only antibiotic that helps me with a sinus infection is Clarithromycin--anything else isn't worth taking.

Something that really helps is Tiger Balm--I rub a small bit on my cheek bones, above my eyebrows and sometimes in the back of my neck, just below the hair line. It makes my eyes water, even run, but in 15-30 minutes I will feel so much better--a headache will let up or be gone completely and my head will feel much less congested.
Antibiotics usually take 7-10 days to start working and which antibiotic depends on which bacteria you are having problems with, which is why 1 may work better for you than another. Z-Pacs have up to a 90% resistance in some areas so be careful that you finish the prescription to the last if it's still working for you. Here in Fargo it's at that 90% so providers give it to pacify patients who insist they need medication for viral infections. Horrible practice, but it's happening.

To clean your neti pot: a gentle soap with white vinegar before and after each use.

And yes, using it frequently can be very detrimental. Mucus is an integral part of the immune system and when you are flushing it out daily, you are essentially opening yourself up to bacteria because are removing that very effective barrier.

Here is some info on one of the studies done:

If you are using it limitedly, it can be wonderful
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