I don't, but my husband has a few small patches of it mostly around his knees, shins and elbows. He also gets it from time to time around his ears in small patches. Mostly people think he fell down and skinned his knees so they gotta ask him about the "road rash" when he wears shorts.
He has tried a lot of things (it came on when he was about 28, right when he went to Alaska to fish the first time, coinciding with a fish spine injury, he thinks that triggered it), but what has seemed to work lately is that he has cut out dairy products or reduced them a great deal and takes a vegan B-Vitamin, I think it is.
(He is quite into nutrition and supplements, and has been to several naturopaths and one doctor (hates regular doctors)).
Anyway, it seems the flareups would coincide with times of intense stress, also he has spring allergies which when they were bad, would also make the psoriasis bad. I think what works for one person may not necessarily work for another, so you may or may not be helped by figuring out an allergen, or it may be a topical ointment helps (he was using something called Skin Cap for a while and it was like a miracle, but then they changed the formula and it was no longer any use to him).
Wish I had better advice it sounds miserable.
Liz M.