Anyone have Psoriasis? What works for you?

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Well-Known Member
Dec 1, 2002
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I just in the past 2 or 3 years have gotten psoriasis really bad. Have been to many dermatologist, been on many different things. I have it really bad on my scalp and ears! I also have it in numerous places like the back of my neck, legs, sides. I never wear my hair in a pony tail anymore cause it is so embarressing. Does anyone else have it and have any advice? has anyone taken the shots for it? Sheila
My sister has it. I believe she has two kinds, one is very common and the other is very rare...

It showed up when she was in her early teens(she is 21 now) and she was on this cream stuff that controlled it.

And just recently she got really sick and had a huge outbreak of it...I felt so bad for her. She's a waitress and the people she waited on would make these weird faces...But she is so brave. She got in her bathing suit for a course she has to take while having the bad outbreak.

What works for her is sun...lots and lots of sun. It dries it out. She recently started this new medication. You give yourself a shot in either lef or in the abdomen once a week. It's called Raptiva.

And right now it has gotten worse again so she's using some sort of lotion which is helping(really good results in just a weekend)...But I don't know what the name of it is. But I can get that info for you the next time she's online.
I don't, but my husband has a few small patches of it mostly around his knees, shins and elbows. He also gets it from time to time around his ears in small patches. Mostly people think he fell down and skinned his knees so they gotta ask him about the "road rash" when he wears shorts.

He has tried a lot of things (it came on when he was about 28, right when he went to Alaska to fish the first time, coinciding with a fish spine injury, he thinks that triggered it), but what has seemed to work lately is that he has cut out dairy products or reduced them a great deal and takes a vegan B-Vitamin, I think it is.

(He is quite into nutrition and supplements, and has been to several naturopaths and one doctor (hates regular doctors)).

Anyway, it seems the flareups would coincide with times of intense stress, also he has spring allergies which when they were bad, would also make the psoriasis bad. I think what works for one person may not necessarily work for another, so you may or may not be helped by figuring out an allergen, or it may be a topical ointment helps (he was using something called Skin Cap for a while and it was like a miracle, but then they changed the formula and it was no longer any use to him).

Wish I had better advice it sounds miserable.

Liz M.
Interesting! A couple of ladies I work with have it and just this afternoon were discussing how one of them had cleared it up finally. Apparently she takes fish oil pills, uses Paul Mitchell Tea Tree shampoo for her scalp, and her mom who has it bad just started some cream called Protopic that recently came out that worked wonders for her (prescribed by her dermatologist of course.) I know nothing about the condition but that's what they said and the lady who was using the cream looked much better than when I first met her. Really clear skin.

My sister has had it since she was a teenager. On her arms, legs, trunk and scalp. She uses various creams and methotrexate.

Good luck

My sister has had it since she was a teenager. On her arms, legs, trunk and scalp. She uses various creams and methotrexate.

Good luck

If the Doctor says to use Methotrexate Be careful, BE VERY VERY Careful before you start on THAT Drug~!!!!!!!!! If you want to learn more, I have FIRST HAND Knowledge on what MAY Go wrong~!!! Not only have I had VERY BAD side effects so has my Sister-in law~!!!!!!!!! PM me if you want to find out~!!!!!!!!
Yes, methotrexate has a potential for some severe side effects but so does a lot of the others. This can effect liver and bone marrow but some psoriasis sufferers find these possible side effects a necessary evil. As my sister and her Old man do. He has it on his face. The key, as I over heard when my sister went to her dermatologist, was in the dosage. I am not a physician (nor am I suggesting this person should take methotrexate) but I believe this person should see their dermatologist so they can learn of all the options to be able to make an informed decision. I simply told what my sister takes.

Oh, my sister also uses T/Sel for her scalp.(not T/Gel though...gotta have the "S" lol)
Yes, Methotrexate has a potential for some severe side effects but so does a lot of the others. This can effect liver and bone marrow but some psoriasis sufferers find these possible side effects a necessary evil
Yes my sister in law has very bad psoriasis... But went off for a time because of some liver trouble...And Now she has to have a liver Biopsy before she can go back on Metotrexate...And as for me not only did it affect my liver but at the same time I went into acute Kidney failure..Not fun being in ICU for 3 days and receiving 3 times kidney dialysis~! And the ONLY thing the many doctors that worked on me could find that it was a Direct cause by using Methotrexate...Now I know I was at a Higher dose then the Sister in Law...She was at 6----2.5mg once a week and I was at 10 a week and then backed down to 8 a week Now Never will go on it again....This was for my severe RA condition I was also taking Enbrel at the same time 2 shots 2 times a week~! But that Methotrexate did the damage and not Enbrel... So all I say is be careful and be cautious about that drig, if the doc wants a person on Methotrexate that's all....
This may sound really silly but I get patches behind my ears and along my hairline and ONE eyebrow
: and I have found that pure coconut oil (its solid in the jar them melts when you touch it) really helps...has anyone else ever tried this???

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