Anyone here see "The Corpse Bride"?

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Nov 30, 2002
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I was disappointed in this movie, although I love Tim Burton, especially The Nightmare Before Christmas, but...

At the beginning of the movie, the family travels in a carriage pulled by a very refined, upheaded horse. We decided that they must have used Mingus as their model...

Dr. Pam said that she thinks Mingus wants to be a carriage horse, and I think she's right!
I saw the movie just a couple weeks ago and would have liked it a lot more if they didn't sing.
I saw the movie just a couple weeks ago and would have liked it a lot more if they didn't sing.
Oi! The singing! LOL So could have done with out it!

I'm still not sure how I feel about the movie though...It was good and bad...But I don't feel like saying "It was OK" is right...hehe
It might have been nice if they had written a decent script...I think they just skipped the writers...

There's a snotty saying amongst instrumental musicians (who often diss singers): "That which is too dumb to be spoken is usually sung."
Im a Nightmare before Christmas fan & was a bit disapointed. It wasnt even close to his best work. It was alright but I wish I had waited to rent it for four bucks off the TV instead of paying 10 to see it in the theater.
Yeah, I was put off by the trite musical numbers as well. We tried to watch this one on one of our power outage nights and we had to keep restarting it, so we had to suffer through a few of the same things a couple times.

Tim Burton is great, but this was not his best work.

Even the music was not that good! *LOL*

(I agree about Mingus...he will look so good in patent leather, it will accent his shiny black points, Mouse says to tell you and try royal blue for a browband and pads, heheh).

Liz M.
Mingus does think he's the man when he wears royal blue...and I imagine a patent leather harness would really float his boat!
Oh, oh, oh...well, Carson I mean Mouse would say that a little goes a long way with patent. Just a bit to set off the pretty parts (like the blinkers, bridle and saddle/breast strap) would be really cool.

Too much is over the top for a butch guy like Mingus, but a little would look great on him.


QHE for the SH!

My 9 yr old cannot wait to see this movie he loves loves loves nightmare before we shall get his critique after it comes out on video...(and for the record he likes movies where they sing
: :bgrin )
I have to say that despite my rude remark regarding singing, I love musicals...but they have to be good. Fiddler On the Roof, Music Man, and though it may be corny, The Sound of Music.

...and just how often do you get to mention Sound of Music and Nightmare Before Christmas in the same sentence?

To put it mildly, my tastes are just a bit eclectic!
INDEED, minimule! I couldn't even get past the first 25 minutes... :smileypuke:
[SIZE=18pt]We got the movie.
: I didn't think it was that great. :no: One good thing about it is that my 6-year-old daughter is afraid of just about everything and we thought it would freak her out, but she shocked us and was okay with it. :aktion033: Not to get off the subject, but to tell you a bit about her ~ she is completely freaked out by those commercials about pressure where the people are squished ~ have you seen those? I don't care for them, but she gets really freaked out by them! :new_shocked:

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