Thanks Anne and Lynn. Lynn, I totally agree that the doctors should have told the actual patient the proposed diagnosis. The reason why the doctors told me and not Denny is because Denny has asked them to communicate all through me. He is not very knowledgable in medicine and does not understand a word they say so in the end I end up calling the doctors anyway to have them tell me what is going on. He gets so nervous and worked up around doctors, he just looses all ability to listen and comprehend what they are saying. Of course, he has signed forms permitting them to do this with me. If it wasn't for me in the first place, he would never have gone to the doctors to begin with. :new_shocked:
I am really concerned with what testing others have had done before being given this diagnosis. So far, we have done an EMG, MRI of the brain and C-spine, numerous blood tests including CBC, HIV, Hepititis, Diabetes, Lyme, ciphilis, etc. We have three more blood tests to do tomorrow but I don't know what they are for at the moment. We also did a TB test. EVERYTHING is coming back normal!!! In a sense, that is great that things are normal, but bad in the sense that the doctors are telling me that they have to rule everything out and since things are coming back normal all over, they are going towards ALS. Does this sound right? Thanks.
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