Anyone seen Janine, Trinity Acres?

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Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2002
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We haven't heard from here since she went on her Missionary assignment. After she reported back, I haven't seen her here. Does anyone know where she is now or her email addy?
Marty, she recently posted a thread Dear Fibro friends and this was her last post to that, she's having serious pain issues, do a search on "members" type in Trinity and her info will pop up for you. You can also find her thread if you search on her page. Being one in constant pain she is always in my prayers as are all my painpals.

(This is Janine's post from that thread.....

Thanks everyone. Sharon I agree with Dimi that letter is very well written. I can relate completely! Maybe not to the extent of his pain but it's all I can handle without losing it! (BTW Dimi, I liked your suggestion for hubby ...I have been feeling very mean lately.)

I went to my doctor this morning and she's fairly certain its FMS but wants me to have MORE bloodwork done to rule out Rheumatoid Arthritis and Lupus. Neither of those sound any better!

I talked with my boss today and expressed my concerns regarding being able to do my duties at work. I'm very worried because I'm not able to stay focused It's so frustrating because I know I'm capable and this past week, I'm a different person. I keep messin' up. It's humiliating because like the letter said, I feel like a child.

I'll be sure to check out those sites when my hands don't hurt so bad. Right now, I'm takin' mom's advice and taking life a day or hour or minute at a time. I really hope to wake up tomorrow in no pain.

Thanks again for your help and support!

I spoke with her just last week I believe it was on the "Trivi thread". She had a question about "All in the Family's" Edith Bunker. I hope she is feeling better...I did'nt read her Fibro thread.
I'm sorry I must have missed her. I had her on my mind when I saw a local tv show about the fibro. I hope she'll show up soon.

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