Returning member and mini owner

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Well-Known Member
Jan 19, 2023
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I have been reading the threads here and there is a lot of helpful information. I am a returning member that has not used the forum for a few years...I have been a horse owner my whole life but I am new to minis as of 4 years ago. I have rescued a mini mare that is due to foal not too long from now. She is about 260 days. I am here to learn everything I can before the blessed event happens! I have had a lot of experience with cow births and years ago I was a proud owner of a registered Arabian that foaled without a single problem. I want to learn anything I can about mini's in particular. My mini mare is 11 years old and is suffering from laminitis. We are under vet care and Sweetie has been on butte for her pain. I also have her on a supplement that is called Serraquin that works on the gut and inflammation. I am hoping this may help. So far I have seen improvement with her eyes. She used to have very crusty eyes and they have cleared up 90% since she has been on this supplement. I am wondering if there is someone out there that has experience with a pregnant mare that has had to be on butte throughout the pregnancy. I am worried about the effect on the foal. Thanks in advance!
Hi @jandjcaptein and welcome back! Best wishes on your new baby to come. How exciting. I've not used Bute during a pregnancy but have used Banamine/Flunixin when needed. Bute can be so hard on their tummies long term - like Ibuprofen for us. I'm glad you have her on a supplement for her belly and joints but you might want to add some Omeprazole to that to prevent gastric ulcers. However, I'm not sure about the suitability of its use for a pregnant or lactating mare. Best talk with your vet about it.

You're more prepared than you think, I'd imagine, if you're familiar with cow birthing. The mechanics are very much the same. Please keep us posted!
Thanks for the encouragement and info! Omeprazole is not recommended during pregnancy per vet so we opted for this supplement that seems to be helping her appetite and reducing inflammation that bute can cause. Of course, I am worried and trying to prepare for the unexpected. I have read that bute can increase the chances of a "dummy foal" among other things. Just hoping there might be someone that had this scenario and could give advice. Poor girl is so sore with laminitis so trying to do everything possible to make her more comfortable.
My husband and I have retired from dairy farming and I was the calf raiser so lots of experience with birth. It is always hard to lose one so trying to be prepared as possible. Thanks again!
I didn't think bute was a good idea for minis in general, but I'm sure others know more about that than I do. We have used strictly banamine for pain. If you are worried about a dummy foal though, google squeeze for dummy foal. I haven't done it myself but it appears to work.
It is is exciting to have a foal on the way, if we only didn't have to worry so much during the process. Wishing the best for your and your mare. Please keep us up to date.
Good question about the bute. I wonder why the vet had me use that instead of banamine. I do have a 2 year old colt that is allergic to banamine. Thats another story...
I am using a supplement called Serraquin that is for inflammation and digestion problems. I also use Safe Choice Special Diet with digestive formula for prevention of ulcers etc...My mare has metabolic issues that have reared their ugly head during this pregnancy. She is on the lean side also. Lots of things to think about. Thanks for the moral support!

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