I've been showing dogs since the late 70's, started with Afghan Hounds, changed to Siberian Huskies in the early 80's, then came back to the Sighthounds (Salukis) 15 years ago.
If you're also showing the horses it's a whole 'nother "thing" to do. Dog showing is a lifestyle. We pull our horse trailer with a full size van as we need one to travel with the dogs. We have drastically slowed down on the dog shows since starting with the horses. While walking a Saluki at Nationals sooo many people
approached me and said they had given up showing dogs...they just couldn't do both.
We have found that many of our big dog show weekends coincide with the horse show weekends.
When you show dogs, you often end up with many of them, just like in the horses.
Therefore, we have both a barn full of horses as well as 10 dogs to take care of, groom, condition, etc. now. Many hours spent.
And yes, it's terribly political.
Makes it pretty tricky to find animal care when you're away will do things the way you want
for both. The dog sitter we used to use would not do horses...but we've been fortunate to
find somebody. But being away from home for a few days adds up.
Dog shows CAN get costly, when you figure out your gas nowadays, entry fees are up too.
You figure 25.00+ per dog per day, if you are showing 2-3 dogs for a four day weekend
it can add up pretty fast. Add the cost of parking, which has around here been about $8.00/day.
Food, hotels, etc. As well as the sitter fees at home.
When Frank and Karen from Jo-Co came to spend the day at a dog show with us, they
could hardly believe the magnitude of the size of it, being as it was just a local show, and that
we were in the ring for 2 minutes and then were finished until the following day.
No, you don't have to rent stalls, but you have an awful lot of equipment you have to lug into
buildings, and then find a place to cram your stuff once you get inside. Not as much stuff though
as you have to take to a horse show!!
Obviously I would not have been doing this for 30+ years if I didn't enjoy it!! We recently
found ourselves in the position where all the dogs were finished, (completed their Championships)
and were getting older, and it was time to make the decision to either get out of the sport (dogs
retire here of course) or jump back in with both feet with some younger dogs. So, we now have
16 month old Coco and 5 month old Risha driving us nuts.
I do have to admit that we no longer have the drive to get up at 3am to drive through a sleet storm
to get to "THE DOG SHOW".
I would say if you are intrigued, put on your thick skin, jump in and DO IT! If you love it, great, if you don't at least you've tried it. Life is too short to look back and wonder.
Good luck!