Anyone use D.E.?

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I don't know how comfortable I would be using this type of product, especially for the very young or very old. I don't like the logic behind using microscopic, glass-like shards to to kill parasites and larva.

Just my opinion, I am sure you'll get a hundred and one different answers.
I have not used it on the horses - I have used it on the premises for fleas and it works like a charm.

For what it's worth, my most of the time dewormer is Ivermectin. I use a brand of it called Bimectin that is a clear, apple flavored gel. The horses love it which makes fast work of deworming the horses here (16 at the moment).

PS Quest is not to be used in minis because of the tight dosing threshold. It's too easy and very dangerous (deadly) to over dose them on that product.
I have not used it on the horses - I have used it on the premises for fleas and it works like a charm.

Same here. I do know a man who fed it to his cows with great results but I was a child and can not remember how much he fed or anything else. I believe there are products out there prepared specifically to be fed to animals as a calcium supplement and to prevent worms.

As much as I like using "natural" remedies when possible this is one where I just go for "better living through chemistry". Modern wormers are affordable, effective and safe (just avoid Quest, as mentioned above) so I will stick with them and keep my D.E. for sprinkling on the carpets to keep the fleas from setting up shop in the house.
I use it in the natural wormer N.O.M.S. from a-b-c-supply. I have used it for many years and always get a negative reading when we take our poop sample to the vets. For many years I had a chronically foundered mare who became laminitic every time I wormed or vaccinated her. She also had mild reactions when I used fly spray. She was hyper-sensitive, poor girl.

Why I found NOMS. She did fantastic with it and I have used it since for my other horses. When I got my new mini that was infested I did use traditional wormers with her, but now I will start with the NOMS in the spring. With riding horses you may notice that they are hoof sensitive on rocks etc about 10 days after worming. Probiotics help.

I use D.E. with all my animals. Except the rabbits. Although I put it under the cage for fly and bug control.

I use it as a flea/fly control. I put in in an old cleansed comet jug. I sprinkle it around as a preventative measure. I dont feed it to my animals although I believe its ok. I tend to stick with traditional dewormers.

I do put in on my horses legs when needed and it works very well.
My feed mill just started carrying this. I think it's intriguing and am thinking about using it. However, I called my vet, and the one that was in the office (younger, less experienced) had never heard of it. I'm waiting for my regular vet to get back to me.

The info on the mill's website says it can be used for numerous things, all types of animals, and humans too. Still want to do some investigating.
We use it at work on teh Alpaca poo piles after we clean them up and in the barn. Works GREAT in teh summer time to keep flys away (we had next to none last summer
) and keeps things smelling fresh to. I have never used it on my horses but if I did prob just use it in the stalls on the pee spots.

We also use Staloson F...not sure if it does the same thing your talking about but it is a type of disinfectant. But is alot stronger so I wouldnt advice using it with minis.

Let us know if you use it and how it works
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