anyone watch dateline last night?

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Well-Known Member
Dec 1, 2002
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I watched dateline last night and found it to be a wonderful show. I was wondering if anyone else saw it? What did you think? I think the historians definately had the same questions I did and do to this day. I was impressed with the depth of the discussion pertaining to the different accounts by different writers in the different bibles (new vs ol testament) .....some day I might actually try to read that book "again" from cover to cover......most of it is just too boring......anyway that is my synapsis what is yours........
It really is an interesting topic when it can be discussed without anyone getting fanatical about their own beliefs.
I didnt watch it but talking about fanatical and a different subject anyone watch that trading spouses show last week...?
The Dateline show was very interesting, learned things that I didn't know. I guess some things we will probably never really know for sure.
I didnt watch it but talking about fanatical and a different subject anyone watch that trading spouses show last week...?
Now that lady was a religious fanatic!!!!
Talk about narrow-minded!! We were astounded with her behavior!!
Also had to laugh when she refused the money because it was tainted by unholy, godless, devil worshippers but later when they cameras were all gone she changed her mind
That is a great example of a person that will never in a million years be able to have a civilized conversation about religion!
Did not watch the Dateline show, but my whole family and I were just shocked at that woman's behavior on Trading Spouses. She alienated the family she was "traded" to, and she frightened her children very badly.

I truly think she was imbalanced and needs to see a doctor about her mental issues.

That was just ridiculous!

Liz M.
I too missed the Dateline show and am sad I did. It sounds like something I would have enjoyed seeing. I did however, see Trading Spouses and was so flabbergasted at her behavior. Do you ever wonder where they find these folks?
Missed them both this week......usually see them. Sounds like I should have seen them!
There is nowhere in the Bible that says Christ was born December 25th, and, since the calendar has been radically changed since his birth anyway, there is NO way Dec 25th is correct. It is Symbolic, nothing more. It is also the celebration of the Winter Solstice , anyway, so the Pagans were having a HUGE feast at this time anyway. The Christians just jumped on the bandwagon. If you can't beat them..... Quite a lot of the religious feasts and holidays were picked this way, especially Saints Days. Makes a lot of sense when you are trying to take over the world!!!
nootka said:
Did not watch the Dateline show, but my whole family and I were just shocked at that woman's behavior on Trading Spouses.  She alienated the family she was "traded" to, and she frightened her children very badly.I truly think she was imbalanced and needs to see a doctor about her mental issues.

That was just ridiculous!

Liz M.


Ya she was a bit frightening and surely an example of religious beliefs gone bad as were her friends that were so RUDE to the mom that was at her house-
Well somehow I managed to remember it was on and to actually be done with chores in time to watch......I enjoyed the fact that they looked at it as historical information rather than religious....there was one historian who was someone I would love to sit and converse with...he presented his findings in a great and sensible manner......

I have only seen trading spouses or something similar one time......probably up against my other shows

And to Rabbits statement......many of the saints are actually de throned pagan gods
Oh Yes, well, without any irreverence intended...any good bandwagon and the Christians were on it in the blink of an eye!!!
Yes, it's amazing how much we as Christians have so many traditions that originally are from Pagan celebrations.

Such as the Christmas Tree..... It was taken from a Pagan celebration honoring Light and the Nature gods.

And Easter has the easter egg and easter bunny which goes back to the goddess of fertility!


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