Hi girls sorry, for not updating you more, here are the two most recent updates from Renee
"so sorry for the lack of updates - between Gator and my baby, i have just no time, and am totally exhausted, so when i do have a moment, i sleep! lol
Gator appears to have a viral infection, possibly Rotavirus (i hope its not!). He is scouring badly again, and has been colicing each time the pain meds wear off. So we have put him in the pen to limit his milk intake in order to give his gut a rest and time to settle and heal. He is let out each time i give him fluids, and i just have to milk out Gypsy first so he cant get a great big gut full. Neither Gator or Gypsy are very pleased with this arrangement, but sometimes you have to be cruel to be kind.
He had more blood tests today, and it appears that things are improving for him, and he seems a little brighter in himself, so fingers crossed hes turning the corner now.
Thank you all for keeping an eye on my sick little boy, i hope i will have good news to report from now on!
Gators drip line came out last night, so he hasnt had fluids for 12 hours, the vet was happy to wait and see how he faired, but he is a bit dehydrated this morning, so we'll be heading back to the vets in a few hours time to have it replaced."