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Too bad everyone in the media think that we have short attention spans and only care about what is in our backyard.
Marty, to do all that regardling the policing of who is breeding animals and what is allowed... isn't that just another step towards dictatorship and an utter police state? We are already heading that way and so many of the 'sheeple' just dont want to wake up and see it. I dont want the govt running my life. What is the point of living if I cannot do what is my passion and what I love to do?
I don't think that government regulation is the answer for reducing the breeding of someone else said, it seems that once the government gets its finger stuck into the pie, the pie ends up a mess on the floor and no one benefits from it.

As for breed inspections--it seems to work great for those European breeds that require inspections in order to have the horse used for breeding of registered stock. At this point in time I don't see it working for the small equine. I don't see it working for many of the American breeds. I'm not sure I can even explain WHY I think it is unlikely to work out well here...inspections work only as well as the inspectors that do those inspections, and who would we have as inspectors...some of our judges? Some breeders? Some government official? A veterinarian? I once knew a veterinarian who was a race horse (TB) breeder. I suspect that if he were an inspector for some breed other than his own--Morgans for instance--he would have failed a lot of them simply because they didn't look like TB race horses. The two breeds are built quite different, because they are bred to be used for different disciplines--so you cannot judge one on the basis of another. Judges....well, there are a few judges (and this isn't breed specific) who--going by what horses they chose when judging a show--I would not count on to select the ideal conformation for the particular breed. I don't think I am getting my point explained very well--so lets just say I fear that an inspection requirement would not work for us, at least not in the early stages. I think it would be a HUGE issue--in time the problems might get worked out, but early on I think there would be many hard feelings and some huge battles. And of course that would be inspection for breed registration only. There would still be all the breeders of grade horses--and with an inspection system in place there would likely be a lot more grade horses being bred, and fewer registered ones. I don't think that would solve anything.

The Nigerian school girls being kidnapped--that is a truly horrible thing. I wish that they could all be returned, unharmed, to their families. The terrorists who took them should be shot. What can be done about getting them returned to their homes? I don't know. The world in general is such a mess now, there are so many situations that need to be resolved. All of them are just plain scary...
Agreed Minimor. I don't want animal breeding regulated and controlled by government. Anything controlled by government eventually turns into poo poo. The lying and cheating and cover ups. Just look at the politics of showing and the Olympics and everything that has somebody overseeing it.. the bias and lying makes you crazy. Our country is a mess and if left to the people we could fix it... leave things to the "liars in chief" and we are going into irreversible toilet spin.

I just thought of an example... how about that horse "impressive" that forever tainted quarter horse bloodlines with HIP. Or about a golden (I won't mention his name here) that was so superior in the show ring that everyone wanted to breed into his lines and he so polluted the breed with cancer that we are still seeing the fall out from his breeding.

And. the blending of breeds of dogs historically has produced the awesome dogs we have today.. focusing on somebody s idea of the perfect breed apart, can often result in tragedy.

The Nigerian girls kidnapping is a tragedy. From what I understand there were atrocities made on Nigerian boys that didn't make the news.

We have some pretty horrible happenings everywhere. Such as... the Lewes Delaware pediatrician who was found guilty of raping hundreds of newborn babies in his clinic. Just throw away the key or throw him to the parents of all those babies. He actually taped his crime. sheesh... grrrrrrr. This was a few years ago but it still burns me up, sometimes he wants a new trial or wants fairness because he thinks the police shouldn't have searched the building where they found the tapes because the warrant was for a white building not a striped building... sheesh. Butt kicks for all the folks that ignored the warnings of concerned people who said something was going on and butt kick for officials so concerned with making air tight case that so many more babies were raped.

We get involved and point fingers but no country is clean of horrible crimes. I think that things like this should make us upset as single individual cases too. Kidnapping all those girls at once is horrible... but how about the kidnapping of little Madeline, or how about that young girl who was taken from her parents for disagreeing with a hospital on treatment and wanting a second opinion. How can things like this happen? How about the teenager that disappeared in Aruba. The shooting of amish girls in a school a few years ago...

I guess my rambling point is that all horrors are important as individuals.

take care folks... stay angry and never be indifferent... get educated... hug and hold your families tight.. pet families too... be open minded and trust yourselves.

Happy mother's day folks.

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You are so correct shorthorse. The Nigerian boys did not make the news, what was it 29 of them? Oh, but to see Mrs O holding up that sign saying "bring our girls home" just makes you feel warm and fuzzy. And it fits right into this fake war on women that has been concocted in our country in an effort to demonize the male head of households here that have jobs, marry, pro-create, and raise their families in Godly fashion. But then if Mr O had a son he would look just like Trayvon. He said so himself. I can just picture the snapshot, Arizona watermelon tea in one hand, skittles in the other, headed to make home made drugs with. But we can all picture imaginary relatives, I assume. Yep, if I had an uncle he would look just like Mr. Bundy working hard, raising a family, and leaving a legacy to be proud of. I can picture him on a horse and wearing a cowboy hat. Sort of an early to bed, early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise type old guy.

And we never heard about the 50 Christians that were burned to death in their pastor's home in Nigeria. Oh well, the plan to get us in a war in Syria has been temporarily foiled but maybe we have our eyes on Nigeria, 13th largest producer of oil.

And we don't intend to send aid to the white families of farmers in South Africa that are being murdered to the point of extinction because they hold fast to their farms knowing that it is not if they are killed but when they are killed. But oh how memorable was the video of Hilary as sec of state visiting Africa partying and shaking her booty and being so trendy and then gifting a butt load of money there for what purpose?

I could really get on a soap box, but by the time I got off of it the wood would have rotted.
Indeed, government hasn't ever been the proper answer for anything especially once it has been wrested from or left abandoned by we the people.

And it wasn't "taken" from us so much as we set it down in favor of shiny baubles. We seek to blame "those dirty so and so's", but the blame is ours and we were warned "A Republic IF you can hold it." and we couldn't wait to start failing to do so.

Those dirty so and so's are our fault due to indifference, greed for shiny stuff , blind and slavelike acceptance of myriad and obvious lie's, acquiescence to fear, laziness, refusal to study and be found approved (well and knowledgeable as well), and spiritual desolation.

And this is why Liberty is no longer attainable or even thought of as possible and also why "we" are not worthy of it. It's hard to get somebody to hold something that they reflexively run away from. Our previous study of the slave mentality clearly lays all of this out, dissects and explains what we see before us. Not for the slave but for those of us who gladly accept the responsibility that must accompany true Liberty. We see it quite plainly. Many times slavery is protected by willful blindness to truth.

Dust gets shaken when when responses run "Business must be slow". The response isn't to actually look at the danger not just approaching but hanging out with you, rather it is to attack and belittle the truthful messenger. This has always occurred throughout time.

Oh, and business is not slow by the way.

As to education, when a point is laid out in its absolute simplicity and further, supported by common and Constitutional law including it's citation (where it is that you yourself can go see it) as was attempted with my view on Mr. Bundy's action's, and the response is "I don't know...", well,..... I'm stumped as to where to go next. Didn't I just explain the step by step process so that you could know? The document was written so the you can and should understand it. These are the VERY simple matters and yet we can't get beyond the most basic. I have not spoken to the far more complicated things, things that are truly terrifying as to the monster faced. Thesis work can only be laid on the learning ahead of it. As the most basic truth is refused in this manner, whether by honest doubt or duplicity, ain't gonna be no doctors in the house.

One thing that should be known by now, is that the current line-up, that "they" will allow us to "vote" (I can't even write that word without laughing) on IS and WILL be more of the same. That being a banker and corporation choice. because after all "money is speech, greed is good, and corporations are people."(Hail Galaxar)

As these things displace We the People, there is no place "at the table". Your "choice" for president (among other offices) has already been made for you, by a foreign power.

Now Mr. Beck is polishing and preparing Mike Lee to be the most "Constitutional" of all the candidates. Really? Can I question him please? Not bloody likely! Question though, Where was Mr Lee in defending Cliven Bundy WITH the Constitution as I did? Oh right, he was AWOL. Yet yer gonna buy what Mr. Beck says because he does sound so very good and trots a god out every so often. I nearly loose a week of lunches when Mr. Beck talks about the constitution because, by the way, he also disagreed with Mr.Bundy. Now he WAS much more nice about it compared to his fellow neocon traveler "talk show" hosts, but in the end, he disagreed and never laid out the nuts and bolts Constitutionally. So his endorsement of Mr. Lee means what to me?........

"But Mr. Beck is a tea party guy." you might say. I even heard him say that he was there at the "beginning of the tea party". My response is, Um no ya weren't dude cause I WAS. When the movement sprang up as a result of Ron Pauls tireless work for nearly 30 years Mr. Beck (a closet neo conservative) was no where to be found and was in fact recorded as saying Ron Paul and his "followers" needed to be rounded up and thrown in jail. To this day Mr. Beck is quite antagonistic towards that crazy Ron Paul. BUT oh my word does he just love Rand Paul, also a closet neocon and I suspect, switched at birth as I can't fathom how one could fall so far from the tree of Liberty where his Dad always hung out. You are being set up again and the same arguments are already making an appearance.

1) "This is the most important election of all time. The future or death of our nation depends on this vote"

Breaking this down reveals the programming and set-up going on. EVERY vote has always been this way when we consider Constitutional appearance. The seed of future death for our nation was set a LONG time ago and done so with the evil of compromise of Constitutional word and principal.

2) If you don't vote for Mr.X, you will be electing that other evil guy.

Um dude, Mr. X is evil as well, just as evil and gets his money and orders from the SAME boss of "that other evil guy". Have you ever really looked into the campaign funding that isn't hidden from view? Prove me a liar and do so. Go ahead, I'll pack a lunch,..... and retirement plan.

3) Says yer favorite talking head " I don't agree with Mr. X on everything, but we "HAVE TO compromise" and then "Hold his feet to the fire". And yet there is never any fire to hold feet to because both sides are quite busy falling all over themselves to make excuses for their false messiah's bad behavior and putting out any resulting fires. What fire? These redcoats retire to a life of ease and protection on my dime and have feet as smooth and unblemished as a babies butt. The concepts of compromise and contract are mutually exclusive. The two are like oil and water, un-mixable. If a contract is "compromised", it ceases to be a contract.

These are just a few of the talking points puked out EVERY time and by many of the same liars who are adept at your manipulation.

But hey, they sound good. They aren't good but but to the neophyte, they do sound good. Dang kids movie's, just flashed the scene with Mike Wyzowski guiding Sully with his eyes closed while Mike tells him to "follow the sounds of my sultry voice". While no doubt, the haters and programmed doubters will again blindly follow and do what they are told as always, might I suggest you do it with eyes open this time. If you do so with open eyes and objective honesty, you will cease to be a follower. And that is the first baby step TOWARDS Liberty vs running away from it.

Once an honest mistake is revealed, only two things can happen. Both of those choices are in your hands. Also the mistake ceases to be a mistake and becomes rather, a purposeful and murderous agenda. And those not choosing honesty become the willing tools and co-conspirators of that agenda. Accomplished or accomplice. Liberty or death. There are alot of walking dead out there.

I choose "Life and Life abundantly"

thanks for your time,

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One more item that has been troubling.

The unConstitutionality of the "obamacare" destruction has still not been addressed by any of "the line-up" Remember even the Supremes did not want to touch that and did not rule on that aspect. They only thought the tax part was cool for you, not them.......

What we do hear from the neo side is "repeal and replace" Now hold it skippy, repeal, I'm fine with, it is the "replace" part that is troubling because their is no enumeration allowing involvement OR control at all at the fed level. If I hear this phrase from Mr. Lee, then I will KNOW him not to be a Constitutionalist. This needs handled at the State level for this very reason. Now personally, the other major cost "stress-or" is in fact the insurance companies. If you remove both of these parasites (that produce nothing of value), you would see a dramatic cost reduction associated with health care. Used to be handled this way just fine for quite a long time....

Now the other piece of the puzzle that drives up the cost of anything associated with it is the fed control of our money supply and the fact that they "print" (HA) FRN's faster than the cotton can be made. In other words the cost of everything is driven up because of the unchecked creation of "money" (actually debt) by these mafioso's.
Carriage you seem to be very well informed. How do you get your information? Is it something you read or a station you watch? Very interested.
Marty, to do all that regardling the policing of who is breeding animals and what is allowed... isn't that just another step towards dictatorship and an utter police state?

YES! I think its a horrible idea having the government intervene in every single thing we do. However, no one else seems to have a better idea and the proof is in the pudding because NOTHING has changed over decades. Dog pounds are over crowded, and won't even take another dog on any given day, puppy mills keep on breeding and getting paid for it and the kill pens are the same way. And be assured people who are reading this right now are contributing to the problem by pumping out 20-50-100 or more horses per year without hesitation and shame on them. Its is not ever going to change without something drastic. So if anyone else out there has a better idea on how to stop this ridiculous circle of life ----then death, please step up and offer your solution. I"d love to hear it.
Marty, I agree with you. I know in certain states if you sell over a certain number of animals a year, you have to pay a licensing fee. But how is government getting involved in breeding any different from having you register your dogs to prove they have rabies shots? You are basically paying a tax to the town where you live because you have the dogs.

I don't know what is going to happen to all these poor foals hitting the ground each season. Where are they going? And every day, you see "price dropped" "must place" and the worst is "must be gone by this weekend". Facebook sales pages are full of beautiful horses for sale and now all the foals are on there as well and more every day.

Many of us have wonderful horses proven in the show ring but that doesn't mean they need to keep reproducing for non-existent homes.

That's my soapbox.

And unless you have farm help or a big family, there is no way you can adequately train and socialize a large group of foals. It's not a one person task all to provide them with the start in life they deserve when you have an entire "crop."

Don't care who agrees with me or not any longer.
I totally agree that there is a HUGE problem. I drove to my friends home last weekend. She used to breed a couple of minis every year but has taken a break from breeding because of what has happened to the miniature horses due to over breeding among other reasons. I bet I passed 6 farms or more with miniature horses out on pasture and every one with foals by their side. I have no idea how to fix this and understand the frustration of folks who breed excellent fine quality miniature horses and cannot get squat for them.

I also see some folks who have excellent horses and some who have sort of just nice horses who breed way too many foals and have no market for them. Agreed that no way are these folks raising large batches of foals socializing properly. And unsocial horses like unsocial dogs are harder to train, have more "issues" for lack of a better word and are more often dumped or rejected by society due to problems that are created at birth or even conception.

We were so quick to condemn Russia for all those dogs wandering the streets of the Olympic village... folks rallied and are even bringing some of these dogs home. That kind of ticked me off a bit... Thought to myself, hey, if we let a few of our rescue dogs out on the street and gave them awesome coverage on TV with cameras and sad faces etc... would folks form a huge group to find them homes? Just because US dogs are in shelters and foster homes rather than walking around an Olympic village, doesn't mean they don't deserve the same amount of attention. Folks are so uneducated as to the huge problem of dog over population.

And I have often heard that to find middle ground you need two opposite poles of extreme views... In other words you need folks like Marty to suggest strong measures in order to move the current situation even an inch in the right direction. By suggesting a strong view that makes folks stand up and take notice and talk about it and make suggestions and even express opposing views... this is something that can get the ball rolling, or even if only to get the ball noticed... which I bet is why Marty posted. If she gave a mild suggestion, would she have gotten this many comments? Anyone who works with rescue minis and sees the other side of the coin has every right to suggest that we find a way to get this issue noticed and hopefully find someone out there who can reach out with some constructive suggestions.

The only thing I can come up with at this time is education and training suggestions.

There are folks here on this forum who should really be taking a break or not starting breeding. If this thread only makes some of those folks think a bit before keeping their little horse a stud and breeding to a mare with no consideration as to if they should be breeding or not... then this is a good thing.

I was always better at dogs than horses. I go nuts with frustration sometimes. A relative of mine got a pit bull puppy two years ago and gave it away when it was 11 months old. She got a full grown rottie retired breeder, not spayed..6 months ago,. seems like a decent dog.. they have not spayed her yet. sheesh... then I see on face book that they got another pit bull puppy. I haven't even called her because I know I will not say anything nice... she will get an earful when she calls me to help her find a home for these two dogs. She has two little kids not in school yet. She has no time or money for these dogs. If she breeds that rottie for her kids to have puppy experience I am going to scream. Her husband wants a "protector" for his family, when in reality a nice mix breed trained mellow dog is what they really need.

It is very hard to fix stupid. Yep.. This is my relative who has heard me on my dog soapbox all her life.

My other relative has a nice rescue dog... wanted a bull terrier because they were cute. Lied to the rescue lady and did not tell her she was pregnant. Asked me to find home for dog when baby was born because he was too rough. I wondered why any rescue would have adopted a 2 year old male bull terrier to a person who was 8 months pregnant. When I called rescue on her behalf I found out about the lie. I felt sorry for the dog because he had a failed adoption on his record. This relative is well educated by me and said to her father if I call Auntie she is going to yell at me. U Betcha.

I have spent most of my life educating folks for free...and spent plenty of time being frustrated. Sometimes it works out right... I just went to a friends home yesterday where they adopted two dogs at the same time. That rescue association did a great job matching the dogs to the family. They did a home visit and I did one too for training education... This rescue started the family off right. These folks got two very sweet, nicely trained, social dogs that fit their lifestyle and personality very well. I hope it works for them. Dog is a keeshond the other is a shih tzu. The keeshond could pass a CGC test today. I spent time training these folks how to train for door safety and how to brush the coat and showed them how these dogs were already educated and encouraged them to get their dogs into obedience training so the owners could be educated too. It really impressed them when I took my leash and showed them how highly trained and sensitive their dog was. They had no idea. He pulled their daughter, but heeled for me, did sits and downs and recalls with a sit in front. Owners just needed the training. While I was there they almost let him out the front door by accident. Head smack on wall. Why would anyone open a door with a new strange loose dog in their house... more lecture. Will follow up with call again today. .

for every x number of frustrating cases.. bless those decent cases where it works but even in the decent cases it can be very frustrating.

I think that with folks busy schedules, and the Iphone zombie syndrome and computer games we have lost touch with rewarding tasks.

I have a dumb phone.. I don't watch much tv... we don't have computer games.. and extra time, well that is spent on the critters and education..

rambling.. time to go get my hair done.. I have a skunk stripe forming in my hair.

have a great day... keep those comments all of them coming... so educating... not just the critters that need education. when we think we know everything, we will find we know nothing.
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shorthorse mom you and I think alike.I have been helping with our local kennel club obedience classes. I can't believe how stupid some of the owners are even after you tell and show them repeatedly how to correct or avoid a problem.We had a situation in my area this past week where 3 pit bulls killed a 4 year old who was playing in the yard with them.The child was unsupervised while the 7 month pregnant mom and her friend who owned the dogs were in the house on a beautiful day.Of course the dogs bit the mom when she finally figured out the dogs were hurting the child.The dogs were seized by the police when they came-turned over to animal control.No rabies shots or other vaccinations not neutered.Of course the dogs were killed so the brain could be tested for rabies(negative)I am sorry for the child who was killed and for the dogs who had to be killed.IMO the real fault lies in poor parenting and lack of responsibility on the part of the mother and her friend.Why were they not out in the yard on a nice day watching over the child?YOU CAN'T FIX STUPID!!! The owner of the dogs will probably get several more large untrained unaltered non vaccinated dogs sometime in the near future-here we go again.Several days later I was riding on a back road and I see a small toddler(looked to be about 14-18 months old playing in the driveway around several cars near the road with no adults in sight.Here we go again.You can't fix stupid

As far as the dogs in Russia I agree.Just go on petfinder and see how many HUNDREDS of dogs there are in shelters in the US.There are thousands being put down every day.I have often thought about doing some volunteer work at my local shelter, but I can't even go in without wanting to bring home every animal and I can't I do give money and supplies and support their fundraiser.I did adopt my German shepherd from my local shelter and will get another dog when my 2 Corgis are gone, but right now I know my limits.
Carriage you seem to be very well informed. How do you get your information? Is it something you read or a station you watch? Very interested.
In excess of 30 years studying history and the history of politics Lucky. Having taken an oath to "support and defend" the document that has now become so hated and unused, I sought and still seek to truly understand it's meaning (as in singular) and the amazing men who brought it to be.

If only there was a station you could watch, the job would be so much easier, It's not that there haven't been in the past, but EVERY one of these has been removed through-out time. While the name escapes me right now there was a catholic priest that was VERY active with such a radio show many years ago. Over a period of just a few years he was pressured out of broadcasting. I remember the very last show in my area dedicated to bringing these truths to the forefront. The gals name was Mary Starret and she did a good job for somebody not "classically trained" in the talk show "business". The way in which her show was removed from the air was VERY slimey and I remember calling Salem broadcasting and talking to their head hooter. As we spoke and I sought to understand why, it became obvious that the message contained within the show was not desirable in certain circles and further that another show (Medved) drew better sponsorship money. When I pointed this out, the feller got quite upset and denied what he had just said. There was another question I asked him that stopped him dead in his tracks as it did reveal motivation of Salem management but the nature of the question would not be understood here. Needless to say I do not listen to any talk themed shows on that group of stations anymore.

ok... not used to the back porch yet....

but just can't help myself.

Is anybody else outraged at you know who eating a burrito bowl at chipotle and making the national news? Seems he just couldn't help himself, he wanted some fast food. Seems he and the village Idiot with the tic tac smile also dined on burgers and fries at a local fast food place recently. Escaping that healthy white house food?

HMMMMMMM, so this raises my question... it is ok for the taxpayers to pay probably 50K for a fast food lunch with secret service escort, but our kids are forced to eat the so called "healthy lunch" only. sure. They should offer a healthy option, a vegetarian option and a regular normal kid friendly option, tater tots included in schools. Just had to throw that in, remember tater tots in school? They were the best thing on the menu.

anyway... the pres. reaching over the glass and pointing to the burrito bowl ingredients with all the secret service surrounding him just made me gag.
mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm tater tots........................ that's all I'm going to say right now.

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