To stop it being passed on to the foals in easy, simply do not breed two appies together for the chance for a fewspot or snowcap as you said the LP/LP horses are the ones that are night blind so if you dont cross appy to appy, you dont get a homozygous appy. I do have one mare that I have not tested but suspect to be LP/LP as she seems to be night blind, only way I can tell is if I feed after dark she doesnt push her way to the feeder like normal and tends to follow me around instead. I will say that other than her being more timid at night, she seems to do just fine in the herd and doesnt need any special treatment. Because it doesnt really seem to affect the horse or bother them is why I think so many people still breed for the homozygous appies since they want the color producers. I do cross my appy mares to my appy stallion simply because they are a good cross for conformation, movement, and disposition, I dont really care that much about color, it is just an added bonus if I do get it.
Edited to add....while snowcaps and fewspots are the visibly homozygous forms of LP, I do want to remind everyone that the characteristics only can also be LP/LP they just do not carry a PATN gene. My mare in question is a snowflake/varnish type but fits the Appaloosa Project's description of an LP/LP non patterned appy.
And on a side note a reminder that homozygous appies of any form do NOT guarantee spots, only that they will inherit the LP gene which can range from just characteristics to leopard, does give better odds for spots since you are guaranteed the appy expression but does not guarantee spots.