Appy's latest show...

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Well-Known Member
Jul 25, 2004
Reaction score
Norco, CA
We've been driving with no check getting ready for the carriage show at Pomona, so I "checked" with the judge for our Saddle & Harness club show about whether she wanted a check on him per mini rules or not. She said that she had no opinion about it and that it was up to me, so we drove checkless all day. Honestly I didn't notice any difference in his performance, as we always adjust it as loosely as possible in any case.

So our results were - :aktion033: 1st in Miniature Halter (can't call it mini horse, since the mini donks show in it too!)

Then our first driving class - 1st/2nd year green... a class of 12 entries, including morgans, halflingers, hackneys, several draft horses, a green horse in a Doctors Buggy, a pair of draft mules pulling a commercial "hay ride" type wagon, etc.... :new_shocked: Appy and I were the only mini... he trucked right along, not minding the 3 layers of big horses, big wheels and big noise! We were in the line up between the draft mules and a big grey percheron pulling a beautiful vis-a-vis! And we placed 2nd in the class!

Next was single Mini - he kept up his streak and won it, I think we're high point in the club in that class - also in mini halter!

4th in Pleasure type - lots of morgans, Arabians and hackneys, so I never expect much there - but I don't consider him "stock type" with the halflingers and Apps and QH's!

then, since he wasn't tired, we went in gambler's choice cones and got a 2nd, and Brenda drove him in her first-ever class - timed cones, and got another 2nd! Well done and Appy was ready to go get some more cones! We took him home instead, though. :bgrin

Brenda brought along her mare Star alog with Appy's baby Girl - but I'll let her tell you about that!

Sorry folks, I forgot the camera! It was a fun, fun day, though!
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So....WHERE are the pictures??????????

I WANT this horse by the way, I am coming over to steal him and I shall be picking up Lotto on the way back- so be warned!!!!

Oh and do not think you are safe either, Dona!!!

I LOVE reading your show and driving reports.


Liz M.
then, since he wasn't tired, we went in gambler's choice cones and got a 2nd, and Brenda drove him in her first-ever class - timed cones, and got another 2nd! Well done and Appy was ready to go get some more cones! We too him home instead, though. :bgrin

Brenda brought along her mare Star alog with Appy's baby Girl - but I'll let her tell you about that!

Sorry folks, I forgot the camera! It was a fun, fun day, though!
OMG - Karen and Appy are doing so great!
: It was a wonderful day yestderday even with a migraine. The weather was even pleasant.

I whined enough in the morning so Karen let me bring my girl Star and Appy's youngest - Appy's lil Moxie Girl" with us to the show. Star was a rescue but has really come around. She can jump over 4 feet high from a standstill so she had to be tied just to avoid any escape but she was great. I even got to ground drive her a bit. I'm hoping to show her next year on the driving circuit.

As far as Moxie Girl - she is so full of herself and was so cute yesterday. She was talking to the big horses and then making baby faces (which is adorable). She was dealing with all the comotion just fine and taking everything in stride....except for the white chalk lines on the ground! She's definitely got her mother's jumping ability. She cleared those chalk lines by 2' at least! :bgrin

I drive Appy at home,at our driving lessons and usually warm him up for Karen at the shows but until yesterday, I have never driven him in an actual class. Karen let me drive Appy in the timed cones and boy was that fun!!!!! :aktion033: I loved it.

Appy was wonderful (of course). Once I pointed him in the right direction, he did the rest. We were both having a great time - we did a serpentine and a really sharp u-turn. He was awesome! He broke into a canter twice (my fault I'm sure) and one of those times I didn't get him back before 4 strides so we took a 5 second penalty. If I hadn't goofed, we would have taken 1st! I'll definitely have to do that more often.

We don't have any pics from yesterday but there was a photographer there so maybe we'll get some soon.

Overall, it was lots of fun!

Oh, I so want pictures!
: It sounds like Appy was wonderful as usual and did fantastically. Keep it up!

Appy may be small in stature, but he obviously shows BIG, as proven by his placings in the open classes.

I think you guys need to hit some of the Oregon shows so that we can see him up here...
Karen, I have his 2 mo old son and I absolutely love him. He doesn't fight about anything. I think he was born halter broke. But still no blanket. I didn't even see any skin modeling on him until yesterday. It is on his, well um, down there.
: He carries himself so nicely. I still haven't started his momma in harness. But soon.
Sounds like you had a great time and good for Appy! Sounds like quite the young man! Lavonne
Sounds like you had a great time and good for Appy! Sounds like quite the young man! Lavonne

That's an understatement! He is wonderful. Attitude galore (in a good way!). :bgrin He doesn't have a mean bone in his body and he is a total love! He takes great care of me even when I'm not taking care of me!

I'm a very amatuer driver. Earlier in the year, I was driving him all around stalls and corrals during a break in one of the shows we were at. We came around a blind corner and in the stall right next to us were a couple young, unbroke horses that went absolutely nuts when they saw us.

Appy and I were both understandably startled but do you know what that wonderful Appy did - nothing! He froze. I love that boy as much as if he were mine.
: I'm so lucky to have a friend like Karen and get to spend time with her and her wonderful horses! (P.S. - her big (Arabian) stallion is the same way!). She definitely has a way with animals!
Congratulations on your wins!!! Sounds like APpy is a trooper and a very nice little horse to drive. I missed seeing the pictures tho.....soooo....when ya heading to Nationals? :bgrin

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