April / Delilah / Vernica's Foaling thread Cam Up

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Yes Hazel she was out nearly all night. take some pics of her udder and hooha and we can decide from there.

Have a good day
Thanks Renee,

I'll post them this afternoon when I get home from work. It sorta worried me last night, cause I thought she was outside a lot. It was odd for her from what she has done for the last couple of months.Either that or I just woke up more
.Still running in my sleep I gues
Delilah standing quietly at the moment.

Can't wait to see the up to date pictures of her plus those of the kiddies and Son Rise - what a lot to look forward too!!
I just got home and am headed out tocheck on the girls. I'll post new pics when I come back in.Yes we are going to have a full schedule for probably the next 2 or 3 months
like crazy. I hope this ol woman can keep up.
I miss all the emotcons. Can't seem to get them to work right. oh well.
hazel I am so sorry I haven't been on here! I feel terrible!!!
with mum n dad away its crazy here right now... but I promise I will watch more!

6:03pm Delilah is eating dinner...

YAY for udder progress!! can we please see some piccies? how far along is she now??

eww a mouse just ran along behind Delilah!!!!
she is standing quieltly...

haha Hazel don't you hate that!!! I HATE That!

Son Rise looks great! what a good little jumper he is!!! you must be thrilled!

naw Mr wags is SO very cute! n love his half sister! their colouring is just gorgeous!
hazel I am so sorry I haven't been on here! I feel terrible!!!
with mum n dad away its crazy here right now... but I promise I will watch more!

6:03pm Delilah is eating dinner...

YAY for udder progress!! can we please see some piccies? how far along is she now??

Cassie not to worry. I have been keeping up with what is going on with you and penny and everybody. I just haven't posted much. Delilah is somewhere between 295 days to 340 days. Of course I may be wrong, but I feel like she will have her foal sometime this month. we'll see.
I am soooo hoping. Mirrie was just looking at her on marestare and told me I need to wrap her tail. I told her I was thinking about it. Hubby is suppose to bring in some bedding HAY tomorrow. I sure hope he does. If not I may be making a trip to Lubbock.. There is just too much dust in the shavings.
yeah I agree, straw is much nicer for the late pregnant mummas in my opinion... come on hubby! Delilah wants to lie down in her new bedding

I don't think you need to wrap her tail just yet... she is looking good.

I didn't even end up wrapping Suzie's tail for when she had Finn, and she didn't make a mess... but I will probably end up braiding Penny's (if she ever decides to foal) as she has SUCH a thick tail I 'm sure it would get in the way

very exciting for you!
I went ahead and wrapped it. We'll see how it goes. Since the sun has gone down her udder is filling up again. I know this may go on for a while up and down. I'm just trying to cover all the bases. We want to go to a show the end of this month, but if Delilah hasn't had her foal I'm not leaving town. I'm going to get off here and try to get some sleep tonight. Ya'll have a wonderful evening/day.

Cassie, how is the flood going? has it receeded any? You and the boys stay safe.
. Sorry, That's just the momma in me telling you what to do.
I know you will. Talk to ya'll later.Night
wrap job looks good Hazel

just make sure it isn't to tight...

very exciting! maybe you could get some morning shots for us tomorrow? :D

have a great evening.

Flood waters have come down a little still very high n fast but its under the bridge and we are all good

Yeah my mum was a bit worried when SHE got the msg from SES to evacuate hehe poor mum.

she looks nice and content eating her dinner
Son Rise looks fab and I just love his jump

1.00am and Delilah is stood quietly in her stall
Love the pictures of Son Rise Hazel - he certainly likes his jumping doesn't he!

As far as wrapping tails, as usual I'm the complete opposite to most folk LOL!! I have never and will never wrap tails. Cannot see ANY reason to do it. Mares must miss being able to swish their tails, especially in warmer weather if there is the odd bug around, plus they get a hefty whack on their side if they do manage a decent swish. Folks argue that it keeps the tail clean during foaling, but I have two answers to this - one is that if you are there to foal the mare down (as you should be) then there is no diffiulty in sweeping the tail to one side out of the way, the second is, try pulling a wrapped tail out from under a mares body once she is laying down to foal - very difficult as it jams and doesn't 'slide' out because it is in a 'lump'. A natural tail can easily be pulled because the hairs are spread out and will slide out from under the mare with no problem! Worse still is where the tail is left wrapped after the mare foals - mare feels a little uncomfortable, swishes her tail, poor foal gets hit with something that must feel like a sandbag!!


So no wrapped tails for me LOL!!
"poor foal gets hit with something that must feel like a sandbag!!"
I do love your descriptions Anna

2.45 am and she is outside
Good morning everyone.,

Thank you for all the compliments on Son Rise. It really thrills me that he looks to be enjoying his jumps and I like his form. Of course I'm not biased either ;)

Anna, I was watching Delilah last night before I went to sleep and I think I have to agree with you.Not that she seemed to be bothered by the wrap. It just looks so unnatural. You are always caustioned to be sure and not wrap it too tight, for reasons I understand, Don't leave it on too long, etc.Your arguments against tail wraps are very valid. The wrap will come off this afternoon. Still being new to all this, thought I give it a try.
Lovely pictures
Cute horsies and puppies!

I am not planning on wrapping Laney's tail. I do have vet wrap though incase is it ever needed. The breeders I got Ricky and Laney from told me one of their foals they sold LOST it's tail because the woman who bought it wrapped it way too tight. That is just awful. Said it was a beautiful foal too that should have been shown.
That's not why I am not wrapping Laney's though- I wouldn't wrap it too tight lol. I just don't feel she needs it.

LOL Anna- you say the silliest things
Cassie I took a pic this morning and look at the difference bebween last night and this morning

I was like Good Girl! I know It's not full, but we're on our way. I'm headed out to feed will check back in in a bit.

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